Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Evil Egg Ain’t So Evil After All


For decades we have been told about how Eggs Are Bad For Us.

Now Nutrisystem (among others) has declared Eggs to be a SuperFood that is very good for us. Be careful what you fall for hook, line and sinker. It seems no matter how intelligent your source you may have been sold a Well Intentioned Bill of Goods (whatever that means).

OK, I looked up “Bill of Goods” and here is what I found...  

“A bill of goods, as a phrase, has two meanings. The less common is a delivery of goods, a consignment. The more common definition is something that is knowingly presented in a false way, usually with the intent to deceive or gain something by the trickery.”

I go back to my use of the words above “well intentioned”. For decades the Smart People were trying to help us but that does not mean they were feeding us good information.


Here is a synopsis of what Nutrisystem (among others) is now telling us...

Surprised that eggs are considered a Superfood? It wasn’t too long ago that eggs picked up a reputation as an unhealthy food to avoid because they could contribute to serious health problems. Now we know that just the opposite is true: Eggs are a concentrated source of potent nutrients and provide many health benefits. They can play a vital role in our diets, especially when we’re trying to shed excess pounds.

Eggs are...

Ø  A source of High-Quality Protein with only about 80 calories per serving.

Ø  One large egg (one serving) comes with 5 grams of fat, including 1.6 grams of saturated fat.

Ø  The concerns about egg consumption were based on the 187 milligrams of cholesterol in an average egg. 

Ø  High blood cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease, but recent research has determined that eating foods high in cholesterol does not directly increase the levels stored in your body.

Ø  Foods loaded with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, are more likely to lead to high blood cholesterol.

Ø  A typical large egg provides you with about 7 Grams of Complete Protein, contained in both the yolk (yellow) and the albumen (white) parts.

Ø  The yolk is a Rich Source of Vitamin A and D, B Vitamins, Zinc and Iron.

Ø  It also delivers two Important Antioxidants, Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

Ø  These nutrients Protect Your Eyes from aging related conditions, such as macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the United States that affects over 10 million people.

Ø  They also support Healthy Brain Functioning.

Ø  Eggs supply you with Choline, a nutrient that is especially important for pregnant women, as it plays a key role in fetal brain development.

Ø  For everybody, Choline helps our bodies maintain and replenish all kinds of cells, transmit nerve impulses and process fat and cholesterol in our diets.

Ø  Only beef liver gives you more Choline than eggs do.

Ø  For all of us on a weight loss journey, eggs may be most valuable because they Help Stave Off Hunger.

Ø  People who ate an egg breakfast felt fuller afterwards and consumed significantly fewer calories at lunch and over the next 24 hours than those who ate a bagel-based breakfast with the same number of calories.

That ought to get you started to inspire you to run out and buy a couple of dozen eggs in order to get you Egg Munching for the next several decades until all of what you have been told above during your Munching Decades is “proven” false.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, eggs also have “sizes” – small, regular, large, jumbo and ostrich!!