Saturday, January 23, 2021

Have you looked inside your shoes lately? I advise you to not look in there. It is downright Confusing and Scary.

When I made the mistake of looking inside my new tennis shoes it was the Shoe Sizes that scared me. DidYaNotice I said “Sizes” in the Plural. My shoes do not just have 1 Size they have 5 Sizes!

My Shoe Size is shown as...

Ø U.S. 10

Ø U.K. 9.5

Ø France 44

Ø Japan 280

Ø China 270

This is confusion if I have ever seen confusion! Someone ought to do something before people all over the world start getting into accidents while driving their cars because they are so distracted about this ongoing quandary.

Had Winston Churchill looked inside my shoe he would have said, “I say this is certainly is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. (Why is it that every really intelligent quote we hear sounds like it came from Churchill?)


Maybe, just maybe, it is not just a Numbering System Snafu. Maybe the French, Japanese and Chinese just have bigger feet.

Around where we live it seems like there are more Koreans than there are Caucasians. When we go walking in the park it is not unusual to see that 8 out of 10 walkers going the opposite direction from us are Korean.

Now I don’t think Koreans are Japanese or Chinese but they may be close enough that these Koreans are walking by me with 270 and 280 Size Feet and I have just not noticed.

You can bet I’m going to do some feet checking on my next trip to the park.

I’ll report back to you what I find out.


Oops, I just checked on the Internet and saw where the Good Ole USofA’s new Administration is on top of this issue. I should have known they would be. They have said they are going to fix everyThing and I certainly think this is a Thing that ought to be Fixed.

I wonder if the outgoing Administration will forever be remembered for leaving this issue unresolved. 

I think it certainly ought to be high up on their Undone List. It is unconscionable that they spent so much time working on things like Middle East Peace when this monster issue was lurking in the background and no one was paying it No Never Mind (Whatever That Means).

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

Fella, I enjoyed the good humor in this article and feel that this article alone will forever guarantee you the title of “King Of The Noticers”👍 Also I thought it was especially noticeable (that word again) that the ads appearing just above your article were all about, you guessed it, shoes 👞.

Ludwig said...

Hmmm, Smartfella,
So I looked in my shoes and found that I only have four size listings. I got:
US 11 - UK 10 1/2 - EU 45 - CM 29 -- No idea whereabout CM might be located and why they have such large, or is it small, feet there. My shoes, like I suspect yours and everyone else's, were made in China, but they don't list their own size. Just adds to all the mystery. If my failing memory serves me correctly, it rarely does these days, when I bought shoes in a shoe store, width was also part of the shoe specification. Has that gone out of style or have we all flattened out to the same flat-footedness? More mystery fodder. Maybe I need to take a look at the UR-mart website ....