Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I am what I think I am! ... Am I Not?

I better quit stumbling around the Internet. We all know that everything we stumble upon on the Internet is Absolutely True and, therefore, by Federal Law we are obliged to accept it as Absolutely True. I, however, still have misgivings about some of these “truths”.


OK, I have confused us (you and I) enough. Here is what I stumbled upon on the Internet that has caused me to start pecking out this Foolishness...Or Is It...

University Researchers: We Have to Accept People Who ‘Identify as Real Vampires’

Sociology researchers are now insisting that we as a society start accepting people who choose to “identify as real vampires” — so that they can be open about the fact that they’re vampires without having to worry about facing discrimination from people who might think that that’s weird.

The study, titled “Do We Always Practice What We Preach? Real Vampires’ Fears of Coming out of the Coffin to Social Workers and Helping Professionals” was conducted by researchers from Idaho State University and College of the Canyons and the Center for Positive Sexuality in Los Angeles.

“Most vampires believe they were born that way; they don’t choose this,” said Dr. D. J. Williams, the study’s lead researcher and the director of sociology at Idaho State.

The study is based on the experiences of eleven “real” vampires — which, by the way, are different from “lifestyle vampires.”

“Lifestylers,” the study explains, are people who just do things like wear fangs and sleep in coffins as lifestyle choices, and although “real vampires” may do these things too, they all also have one major thing in common that distinguishes them from the “lifestylers:”

“The essential feature of real vampirism is their belief in the need to take in ‘subtle energy’ (called feeding) from time to time from a willing ‘donor’ in order to maintain physical, psychological and spiritual health,” the study explains.

“Unlike lifestyle vampires, real vampires believe that they do not choose their vampiric condition; they are born with it, somewhat akin to sexual orientation,” it continues.

Williams explained that no one should be bothered by a person wanting to drink another person’s blood because “it is generally expected within the community that vampires should act ethically and responsibly in feeding practices,” and it’s not their blood-drinking that’s the real problem here — it’s the fact that they have to worry that other people will judge them for their blood-drinking.


I may be done with this Silliness. I’m sort of speechless. I will now slide out of this Blog Posting by simply giving you the link to the article that got me started on this craziness to prove that I am not responsible for making up this craziness.

The link is https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/07/vampires-identify-study-discrimination/

I said above that I was done with this but please allow me one last comment... In the last paragraph Dr. Williams explains, People understand themselves in very different ways, and that’s OK. We’re all human. Maybe that’s where I got so off base with this article. I did not know Vampires Were Actual Human Beings!?

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...