Tuesday, November 03, 2020

The Polight-Part IV

  • 2008 Presidential Election...I published the first Blog Posting about The Polight.
  • 2012 Presidential Election...I refreshed your collective memories by publishing The Polight again.
  • 2016 Presidential Election...I did it for the third time.
  • 2020 Presidential Election...Today is the big day and I am doing it again.

This election has been the worst yet! The name ought to be changed from Presidential Election Season to Presidential Election Intrusion. We used to say, “It’s All Over but the Shouting”. This time it looks like we may be saying, “It’s All Over but the Rioting”. 😡

I now see I have made a 12 year mistake with this Polight Posting. I have unconsciously implied that Presidential Candidates are the only liars. Please forgive me. My idea was for the Polight (Politician Lie Detecting Light) not a Preslight (Presidential Candidate Lie Detection Light).

My 2 recent Blog Postings about those Lying Fliers proves that Politics at any level and Lying go hand in hand.

I have modified the original Polight Posting below to reflect the change to Politician Lie Detecting Light


There ought to be a law requiring a red light be surgically implanted on the top of the head of any candidate running for Political Office. The light would function as follow...

  • If the candidate were speaking a lie, the light would turn on.
  • If the candidate were making a proposal that was physically impossible to actually be implemented (which happened often), the light would turn on. For example: “My fellow Americans, today I am proposing that all B52’s that I send to drop nuclear bombs on anyone anywhere have a gear or a gadget or a doohickey installed that will allow the pilot to be able to stop forward flight and reverse direction within 25 feet, just in case I change my mind.”

Because of many politician's propensity to lie unceasingly or make statements on subjects about which they have no knowledge and/or impossible to actually implement, the Polight would have to be rigged so that it would blink every 20 seconds. If this were not the case and the light stayed on all the time, voters might begin to think the Polight was broken and then where would we be?

I can hear you out there saying to your collective selves, “This is Really Foolishness!” It may be but can you picture in your mind’s eye how wonderful it would be if such a Foolish Device really existed? Who knows but we might be able to see some Truthfulness at the End of the Tunnel and would that not be wonderful?

We are a country that used to be able to put a man on the moon. We ought to be able to make this happen!

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: I gave serious thought to making all Politicians’ Noses grow like Pinocchio’s Nose each time they lied but I decided that idea had too many drawbacks. Can you picture the chaos there would be during a State of the Union Address as members would be messing up hairdos, knocking off troupes, eyes would be being poked all over the chamber, etc.

It may be chaos but it might really liven up the State of the Union Address. I can just hear the folks back home saying, “I really think they should not have put the State of the Union Address on at the same time as the Super Bowl but I going to watch the State of the Union Address for sure! I would not miss it for all the tea in China!”

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