Sunday, November 01, 2020

Someone Ought To Go To Jail!


It’s me again, I am still upset about this Never-Ending Election and I’m still shouting Aghhh!

Did I just hear you say, “What’s got you so upset now?” Here’s what’s now... I now have this new flier in my hand and I am certain that this mailer contains verifiable information on it that Someone Ought To Go To Jail. I would not, however, not hold your breath. People in DC don’t go to jail. That’s why they invented Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart is no Admiral David Farragut who gave the order at the Battle of Mobile Bay, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” (His actual order was, “Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!”

Martha Stewart may be no Admiral Farragut but she does have a quote in Fella’s Really Neat Quotes-Volume 1. On June 25, 2002, CBS anchor Jane Clayson was grilling Martha Stewart on the air about her stock trading troubles on The Early Show. Stewart continued chopping cabbage and responded, "I want to focus on my salad”.


Let’s get back to the flier in my hand. What it says about a certain candidate for the U.S. Senate is hard to believe...

Ø He scheduled two fundraisers on million-dollar yachts to collect big checks from high powered DC lobbyists.

Ø He has already taken nearly $300,000 in special interest cash from the same Hollywood liberals and Big Tech corporations that are trying to destroy President Trump and silence conservatives.

Ø He has banked over $1.3 million in paychecks funded by the U.S. Taxpayers.

Here’s where going to jail comes into play...

Ø If these things are true, the candidate with the bulging pockets ought to go to jail.

Ø If these things are not true, the candidate that made up these lies about the poor candidate without the bulging pockets ought to go to jail.


That brings me to Early Voting. There ought to be a law that informs you when you are reading the last flier about any particular candidate. If this were the case, you will know that you are now in possession of the last lie you are going to receive about this particular candidate and you can then make a Completely Informed Decision about whether you want to vote for this Potential Public Servant or the other Potential Public Servant.


It has been awhile since I told you about Geraldine, so I’m going to do it again...

The late Flip Wilson used to play a female character named Geraldine Jones. Geraldine used to say, “Honey, a lie is as good as the truth as long as you get somebody to believe you”.

Geraldine is no longer with us but her words live on and I bet there is a statue dedicated to her in the Politician’s Hall of Fame.

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...
