Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fella’s Handy Guide to Post Office Mail Delivery... Or is it Non-Delivery?

There is a lot of concern this Election Year about the dramatic increase in Mail-In Ballots because...

Ø Some of us think that Postal Worker Snidley Democrat is going to shred and/or throw away all the Republican Ballots he can get his dishonest hands on.

Ø Others think that Postal Worker Snidley Republican is going to shred and/or throw away all the Democrat Ballots he can get his dishonest hands on.

Others say, “Dat’s silly! There is no way to tell if a ballot is Democrat or Republican without opening it!”... Or is there?

According to this You Tube Video posted on Facebook the ballots may be easily Party Identified FROM THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE... 

Click Here:


That’s simply a Conspiracy Theory! Knowing the Party Affiliation will have no effect on our intrepid mail delivery system! Remember we are talking about the U.S. Postal Service! These are the people with the creed, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"... Or just how swiftly completed is it?...

Ø Pittsburg...

Ø New Jersey...

Ø Kentucky...

There are more examples but my fingers are tired.

Who do you trust?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: My fingers have recovered. Look at as much or as little as you want to or can stand to...

NJ (Again)...

Kansas City...

Lee County (Wherever that is?)...

Long Island...

New York City...

Kansas City (Again)...


Palm Beaches & Treasure Coast...

There are more but my fingers are tired again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The situation in Penn looks very dirty...... don't know how all this is going to shake out, but it could get very ugly!!!