Thursday, September 24, 2020

What A Guy! His City Faces A $9,000,000,000 Deficit and He Is Getting Out His Box Of Band Aids.

This guy is good with numbers...Or is he?

Did I just hear you say, “Which guy?”

Pardon me. I thought all my Dear Readers were aware of how sharp Hiz Honor Bill De Blasio the Mayor of New York City is with numbers, so when I pecked out $9 Billion and Numbers you would know who I was talking about.


OK, I’ll slow down and explain myself better...

First of all, A Disclaimer...In researching for this Blog Posting I kept running into many different Budget Deficit Numbers for NYC. I’m going to use $9 Billion because it is sort of right in there somewhere.)

Ø The City of New York has run up a Budget Deficit of $9,000,000,000 (In case so many zeros confuse you, that’s $9 Billion. In case $9 Billion confuses you, that’s 9 Thousand Million Dollars.)

Ø Because he is a Man of Action, Mayor De Blasio has taken action to address this awful situation which is crying out for action to be taken.

Ø Hiz Honor has announced that nearly 500 employees of his office will take five days of furlough between October and March in an effort to save close to $1 million ($860,000) from the cash-strapped municipal budget.

Ø De Blasio said there is a chance the furlough would extend to the entire city's 300,000 person workforce but for the time being the nearly 500 employees is a firm number.

Being somewhat good with numbers myself (but not as good as Hiz Honor) I calculated that $860,000 is 0.009455556% of the $9 Billion shortfall. This is what Hiz Honor means when he says he is taking the Bull by the Horns...Or is he?

Don’t you dare think Hiz Honor is not going to step up to the proverbial plate Hiz Self. He is included in the Furlough Plan and his week’s lost pay sacrificial contribution will amount to $4,972 of his own hard earned money. That’s a 0.00005524% Step Up!  


When you started reading this Blog Posting you may have thought when I pecked out $9 Billion I was talking about New York State and not New York City. That’s not the case. In stumbling around the Internet I came upon a December 19, 2019 article that said New York State was going to go into the New Year only being $6 Billion in the hole.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: I’ve got an idea. Hiz Honor’s wife should be hired for $4,972 to help him out with this Budget Shortfall. I understand she is even better with numbers than he is...Or is she?   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you can bet the deficit is only going to get worse because so many New Yorkers have now left the city and State.....
Good one Fella.