Sunday, May 10, 2020

I Am Not Out Of Control. They Are.

I just climbed on top of my Soap Box. Now that I am up here you are required to read whatever I write while I am up here. If you dare to not read what I write while I am up here “they” will know and “they”  will come get you and take you away for not reading what you are required to read as stipulated in Federal Law 6 U.S. Code § 17 Citizen Requirements To Read What People Write While Standing On Soap Boxes.

You say you don’t know who “they” are. Trust me. You don’t want to ever be placed in a position to find out who “they” are.


OK, I admit I made up the above Silliness about Soap Boxes but below are actual words from the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) that goes on darn near forever about the Parks in the National Capital Region of the District of Columbia. 

Because I know you are busy doing nothing while you are Sheltering in Place I will only peck out that part of the CFR having to do with Signs Carried in Demonstrations in Lafayette Park.

I know you probably had already figured out this is what I was going to blog about today...Or did you figure it out?


Try and read as much as you can stand but here is what I noticed...

Ø The minute never-ending detail.

Ø The confusion that reigns throughout.

Ø Understand that, if “they” want to throw you in jail, “they” can find a way to do it because there is no way someone who wants to demonstrate in the park can comply with all the dictates of what this CFR.

Here it is...

36 CFR § 7.96 - National Capital Region

(ix) The following are prohibited in Lafayette Park:

(B) The use of signs except for the following:

(1) Hand-carried signs are allowed regardless of size.

(2) Signs that are not being hand-carried and that are no larger than four (4) feet in length, four (4) feet in width and one-quarter ( 1/4) inch in thickness (exclusive of braces that are reasonably required to meet support and safety requirements and that are not used so as to form an enclosure of two (2) or more sides) may be used in Lafayette Park, provided that no individual may have more than two (2) such signs in the Park at any one time, and provided further that such signs must be attended at all times (the term “attended' is defined as an individual being within three (3) feet of his or her sign(s)), and provided further that such signs may not be elevated in a manner so as to exceed a height of six (6) feet above the ground at their highest point, may not be arranged or combined in a manner so as to exceed the size limitations set forth in this paragraph, and may not be arranged in such a fashion as to form an enclosure of two (2) or more sides. For example, under this provision, two four-feet by four-feet signs may not be combined so as to create a sign eight feet long and four feet wide, and three such signs may not be arranged to create a sign four feet long and twelve feet wide, and two or more signs of any size may not be leaned or otherwise placed together so as to form an enclosure of two or more sides, etc.

I said above “never-ending”. To prove that these people take Never-Ending seriously take note that at the very end it says “etc.” What the heck does that mean? Using Federal Law as their justification, I wonder if they can put us in jail for not complying with an “etc.”

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: 36 CFR § 7.96 - National Capital Region does actually end, however, before it finally ends, it takes up 29 Pages and contains 7,169 words. After the typist had finished with this one she had to get the Letters and Numbers Truck to come fill up her Word Processor because the poor thing was not only exhausted but it was darn near empty.


Anonymous said...

Good one.

Bionic "everythig" B. said...

All the writers of these wonderful regulations GET PAID BY THE WORD
and the confusion they create.

From Bionic "everything" B.