Friday, December 27, 2019

What Do You Mean I Can't?

The people who feed us the news are always quoting people or organizations that are in opposition to whatever is being proposed.

If there were only one person in the entire world in opposition, the media will find him, interview him and quote him at us.

At this point I will impress you with my knowledge of the Bible by pecking out from Deuteronomy 15: “The poor will always be with you, but you will not always have me”.

Please allow me to play off of this quote and state, “The opposition will always be with us so we ought to do what they want”.
What If the Law of the Land Was That We Hung People For Minor Crimes?
Proposal: A group gets organized and proposes that we ought not hang people for Minor Crimes.

Opposition: Comes from the Rope Manufacturers of America. Their articulate Spokesman says, "Are we potted plants? We make rope! This crazy proposal of yours could cost us our jobs! We have families to feed! We ought to be doing the exact opposite. We ought to expand beyond Minor Crimes to Very Minor Crimes. A good example is Jay Walkers. These people are trying to commit suicide anyway. We ought to help them get to be what they want to be...Dead."
The Law of the Land Is We Have To Stop For Red Lights
Proposal: A group gets organized and proposes we Stop Stopping for Red Lights because it is antiquated and unnecessary.

Opposition: Their articulate spokesman says, "There are so many reasons why Stopping for Red Lights ought to be done away with it is hard to list them all but consider the most logical ones...
Ø What if the driver is in a hurry?
Ø What if no one is coming?
Ø What if the driver has not even looked to see if someone is coming?
Ø What if the driver is texting?
Ø What if the driver is simply not paying attention to his driving?
Ø What if the driver’s phone just rang, and while reaching to answer it, he knocked it on the floor in front of the front passenger seat. Does the law really expect him not to go after his phone?"

Pretty compelling arguments, if I do say so myself.
The Law of the Land Is We Can’t Farm On Land We Do Not Own
Proposal: A group gets organized and proposes it is not right that a person who wants to grow crops that people want to buy ought not be allowed to grow those crops on any piece of land he darn well pleases.

Opposition: Their articulate spokesman says, "Why should the people who want to buy what the farmer who does not own the land wants to grow be prevented from getting what they want? Why should the grower be restricted by arbitrary lines that he can’t even see that were drawn a long time ago by someone he has never even met?"
This just might be my Silliest bit of Foolishness yet. Maybe I ought to run for Congress. I would fit right in with this kind of Silly Thinking.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Ken Burrows said...

I will vote for ya, Smartfella! Not joaking!