Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Vegan As In Nut

A Vegan woman has filed a suit against her neighbors in the Australian Supreme Court after complaining about the smells emanating from her neighbor’s backyard. She is complaining about her neighbor’s Barbecuing, Smoking and Children Playing Basketball.

The Vegan is accusing her neighbors of intentionally setting up these nuisances. She says, “It's deliberate. All I can smell is fish. I can't enjoy my backyard”.

She may be drawing the “inspiration” to file and now press on with her lawsuit from Australia’s present day obsession about fines and penalties. In 2016 Local and State Governments across the country collected $15.3 Billion in fines.

One poor guy (now poorer than he used to be) was fined $28,500 because he was tardy 2 times in cutting his grass.

A Lower Court threw out the Vegan’s case in February and the Supreme Court also rejected her claims in July.

The Vegan had filed nearly 600 pages of documents in her appeal of the case. The Supreme Court Chief Justice was quoted as saying this was, “well in excess of anything that might be thought to be proportionate to the issues”. 

“I’m a good person. I just want peace and quiet”, the Vegan told a newspaper and she also says she intends to continue the legal fight.
From past experience I know that 12 of my Dear Readers think this story is so preposterous that I must have made it up, however, in today’s crazy world, I do not need to make things up. Here is the link to the Crazy Vegan’s news article…
Where are we headed? In the old days we were segregated by Skin Color and life was simpler. In the Fearful Foreseeable Future (It is Fearful because we can Foresee It); we are going to be segregated by an unbelievable array of categories.

Allow me to present to you the confusing world surrounding People Who Don’t Like To Eat Meat.

As we have seen above, Vegans will want to be segregated from those Disgusting Meat Eaters. However, it is not going to be that simple. We are likely entering a never ending era of Segregation by Minuscule Differences where these kinds of lines will be drawn and segregation will run amok as these types of demands go to court…

  • Lacto Ovo Vegetarian: A Lacto Ovo Vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry but includes dairy products and eggs. Most vegetarians in the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe fall into this category. Lacto Ovo Vegetarians eat such foods as cheese, ice cream, yogurt, milk, and eggs, as well as foods made with these ingredients.>>>Since Lacto Ovo Vegetarians are the predominant Vegetarian Group they feel superior to all Other Vegetarians. It will not be long before there will be little movable signs on public transportation buses and the Other Vegetarians will be required to sit behind the signs.>>>Lacto Ovo Vegetarians eventually will come to realize that the Other Vegetarian’s body odor is making them nauseous and they will demand the Other Vegetarians exit the bus by the back door whenever a Lacto Ovo Vegetarian gets onto the bus by the front door.>>>Lacto Ovo Vegetarians will become heavier than Other Vegetarians because the Other Vegetarians will walk a lot more.
  • Semi-Vegetarian: These Vegetarians have selectively cut back on their intake of meats... >>> A Pollo Vegetarian avoids red meat and fish but eats chicken.>>> A Pesco Pollo Vegetarian avoids red meat but eats chicken and fish. >>> Pollo Vegetarians and Pesco Pollo Vegetarians refuse to live next door to each other because they are repulsed by the other’s eating habits and, if they get within 12 feet of each other they feel threatened by the other’s nearness and they can smell the approach of the other’s body because of the other’s offensive body odor emitting from their offensive body. >>> Yes, each accuses the other of Smelling Deliberately.
  • Lacto Vegetarian: A Lacto Vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, as well as eggs and any foods containing eggs. A Lacto Vegetarian would, however, eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. >>> Lacto Vegetarians are at present lying low because they are still confused about what they do and don’t eat. >>> As a group they are becoming more organized and are expected to issue a detailed list what they are Offended By and/or Feel Threatened By after this fall’s Lacto Vegetarian Convention in Lettuce, PA.
  • Vegan: Technically, the term Vegan refers to more than just the diet alone. A Vegan is a Vegetarian who avoids eating or using all animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, any foods containing by-products of these ingredients, wool, silk, leather, and any nonfood items made with animal byproducts. >>> They are not sure yet but they may also hate Honey. >>> They are not seen out in public as much as they once were seen in the past because they had been making their clothes out of newspapers until they discovered newspapers were offensive because they usually have the words meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, wool, silk, leather printed in them somewhere. >>> One Vegan actually had his heart attack him when he realized his newspaper pants had an ad on them announcing a local visit by the San Diego Chicken.
Don’t get mad at me for getting carried away with this Blog Posting. It’s not me that’s out of control. It’s the people who don’t eat meat that are spinning down the Proverbial Slippery Slope.

Would I kid u?

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