Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Since You Have Demonstrated That You Have Had Great Difficulty Paying Your Child Support in the Past, I Am Here to Help You

Does this make sense? ... 

Forty-Four States Have Policies of Suspending Driver’s Licenses Because of Unpaid Fines, Fees Or Court Costs

There are good reasons for Suspending Driver’s Licenses. Driving Infractions are a good reason because a person who Runs Red Lights, Repeatedly Drives in Excess of Speed Limits and Drives Reckless is a danger to other drivers.

However, for years now nearly 40% of license suspensions are the result of unrelated missteps other than on the road danger to others… 
Unpaid parking tickets
Court costs
Child support
Minor drug offenses like the first time possession of a controlled substance
Unpaid student loans

Some states suspend licenses automatically without a hearing. The number of suspensions is not insignificant, for example, nearly 1,000 South Dakota residents have lost their driver’s licenses because they owe money to state universities.

Revoking the license of a person who can’t pay off fines or loans exacerbates the underlying problem. Myriad professions—including taxi drivers, cable installers, caregivers, construction workers, HVAC technicians, landscaping crews, maintenance workers and plumbers—require the ability to drive. If people lose their driver’s license, they lose their jobs and their ability to make good on any money they owe.
Fella is now going to lay out a Perfectly Logical Example as to why people who can’t pay their bills should not be allowed to have a job…

Judge: Please explain why you are delinquent in your Child Support payments to your Starving Children.

Delinquent Person: I have been working as a Dish Washer and I Dish Wash at two different restaurants. I am washing as fast as I can, I have only been able to get two hours sleep a night for the last two years, however, dish washing does not pay enough to allow me to make enough money to keep up with my Child Support obligations.

Judge: I know your kind. Your kind drives big expensive cars, has a 75 inch TV, takes long vacations to the south of France and you own the latest most expensive iPhone.

Delinquent Person: Your Honor, I anticipated you were going to say these things about me so I have an affidavit in my hand that is signed by Pope Francis, Jimmy Carter and your Mother that I drive a 1967 VW Beetle, my TV is a 12 inch 1949 Zenith that only shows Hopalong Cassidy Saturday Westerns from the early 1950’s,
 I have not taken a day off from work in the last 12 years and my Cell Phone is so old it has a crank on the side.

Judge: OK, Mr. I’ve Got All the Answers, how do you propose to catch up on your Child Support Payments?

Delinquent Person: Your Honor, I happen to be the only person trained and qualified to be a Widget Stuffer. Five minutes before I walked into this courtroom I obtained an offer from Widgets R Us to begin work tomorrow in their new Widget Plant 57 miles away in Weehawkee. It will pay me 600% more than I make as a Dish Washer and I should be completely caught up in my Child Support Payment in 6 weeks. I just talked with my ex-wife and pledged to her and her live-in significant other that, once I get caught up, I will double my Child Support Payments.

Judge: I am very impressed with what you have told me and I think you have a sound plan of action. It is the ruling of this court that your Driver’s License be suspended for 3 years. Case Dismissed!

If someone in the past did not say Justice is Blind, someone should have said it.
Did I go overboard with my Perfectly Logical Example?

Would I kid u?


Anonymous said...

South of France, cell phones with cranks on the side, a 12" Zenith? Good blog.

Anonymous said...

Good morning: As I recall the suspension of driver’s license for unpaid child support was begun to collect past due amounts then expanded to profession licenses ie suspension of right to practice law. Preventing the ability to earn a living has never been something that makes much sense and is different from suspension of fishing/hunting license. When I did domestic matters I found the threat of jail was the best inducement to catch up back support. The ride to jail made more believers than suspending anything.

SmartFella? said...

Mr. Anonymous,
You are smart and your analysis makes a lot of sense and I agree with you but we both must be dumb. Why else would the practice of suspending ability to earn a living have spread to so many states?

Anonymous said...

You stated that the dish washer owned an old Zenith tv, but you must consider that Zenith was top, top of the line. Surely he could have gotten by and saved money by buying a Philco or Motorola 😄