Monday, April 15, 2019

Let's Go Ahead Because We Now Have The Go Ahead...Or Should We Wait Before We Go Ahead?

Businesses must spend money before they can make money. A Widget Factory must be built before Widgets can be built. Imagine the angst that would be created if, as soon as Widgets R Us completes the construction of their new State of the Art Widget Factory, Widgets were suddenly outlawed.

It just might be a wiser course of action for businesses to wait 2 or 3 or 5 years before they spend a whole bunch of money Going Ahead with the Go Ahead until they find out if a Judge is going to step in and put a hold on the Go Ahead and caused the Went Ahead Company to have wasted all the money it spent getting ready to take advantage of the Go Ahead they had gotten.

The stock holders will come down on management like a ton of bricks accusing them of Going Ahead with the Go Ahead before they found out if the Go Ahead was a Temporary Go Ahead or a Permanent Go Ahead.  
Prime example of what is causing me to confuse you like this is that the Obama Administration issued an Executive Order, just weeks before it left office, which banned drilling in about 125 million acres of the U.S. Arctic Ocean and 3.8 million acres of the Atlantic Ocean.

President Trump issued a Counter Executive Order during his First Months in Office to overturn the Obama Administration’s last minute ban.

Two years later (on March 29, 2019) a federal judge in Alaska reinstated the Last Minute Ban.
Uncertainty Has Certainly Become a Certain Problem
Why can’t judges act more quickly? Drilling for oil is very expensive undertaking and cannot be turned on and off as easily as politicians can sign go ahead directives and judges can sign cease and desist directives to cancel those signed go ahead directives.

Imagine the money that may have been spent by oil drilling companies getting ready to start getting ready to suck the oil or gas out of the ground only to have a judge say the Ready To Spring Into Action Company can’t start sucking the oil or gas out of the ground.

All that spent money does not come back into their coffers when a judge says they can’t proceed. Are businesses in the future going to stop acting on the authority to do what they do (spend money to make money and deliver products and services) because future judges may outlaw what they were lawfully doing?

Don’t forget that, during this spending money process (and into the foreseeable future), employees are paid salaries and families are fed.

What happens when businesses run out of money or get too timid to act? Senator Foghorn Leghorn addressed this perplexing issue only yesterday, “Son, I say, Son, that’s not for us to worry about, especially not this close to Happy Hour. I say leave this thorny issue for future Presidents and Congresses to figure out. They might come up with something”.

Would I kid u?

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