Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Supposedly Smart People Saying Stupid Things

I have mentioned to my Dear Readers (I hope that’s you) before that I have a folder in my computer entitled “New In Process”. Whenever I Notice something Interesting or Useful or Silly that could be used for a future Blog Posting, I put that something into this folder and I get around to it when I get around to it.


Many times I put an idea into the “New In Process” folder and then forget about it because I am continually being presented with new Goofiness that jumps ahead of Absurdities already in the folder.


Today there are 298 blog ideas in this folder. The oldest one went into the folder on 2/22/12. Today is that Silly Idea’s day to become a Blog Posting. I know you and the idea are very excited about this...Or are you and it?


Some of us will never get to be quoted in the Newspapers. It could be that we are not as smart as the people who are actually being quoted in the Newspapers. The News Reporters simply don’t need us because they are smart people and they already have other smart people saying smart things in sufficient quantity for them to fill up their Newspapers with Smart Quotes...Or are they Smart Quotes?


Here are some Smart Quotes that made it into my newspaper ahead of what you and I might have wanted to say...


Ø A Smart Quote That Made the News...“I have talked with many Tea Party Supporters and they all say they want anyone but Romney, at least some of them do.”
The Smartfella’s Comments About this Smart Quote...Does it make sense to say “they all say” in the same sentence as “at least some of them do”?


Ø A Smart Quote That Made the News...”A body was found in 2 different places 5 miles apart and we are treating this as a murder case”.
The Smartfella’s Comments About this Smart Quote
...What are the chances that a non-murdering person would come across a murdered body and decide to cut that dead body into 2 pieces and transport the cut apart part 5 miles away?

Ø A Smart Quote That Made the News...There was a scare that there was going to be another shooting on Virginia Tech’s Campus and a Smart Person was quoted as saying, “Virginia Tech has had their Fair Share of shootings.”
The Smartfella’s Comments About this Smart Quote
... I did not know we were in the habit of passing out shares of such things. To quibble about this a bit further, would not a fair share of such things actually be an unfair share of such things?

Ø A Smart Quote That Made the News...Syria has been killing its people in bunches for a year now and a U.S. official said, “We don’t want to take actions that would contribute to the further militarization of Syria because that could take the country down a dangerous path”.
The Smartfella’s Comments About this Smart Quote
...It is now 2019 and I can say with great confidence that we can check off the prediction boxes labeled “Further Militarization of Syria” and “Dangerous Path”.
This kind of thing happens all the time in the Middle East...Someone says to a Middle East Extremist, “Why are you so determined to kill that guy drinking coffee over there? He looks just like you.”
After asking this perfectly logical question you get the indignant response, “Do you know nothing about history? Do you not know what his people did to my people in the year 1277?”


Yea, I know I am being picky again. These people had a microphone in their faces and were under great pressure to say something smart and I’m sitting in front of my computer pecking out logic and common sense.


It may not be fair but that’s what I have to say about what they had to say.


Would I kid u?

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