I’ll start this Blog Posting with the first paragraph of an article by Andy Ngo in the Wall Street Journal on October 12, 2018...
“Flyers urged Portlanders to attend a protest: “27yo black father of 3 murdered by racist Portland Police.” Some 100 Black Lives Matter Activists with the group Don’t Shoot Portland and their Masked Antifa Allies answered the call to gather downtown Oct. 6. Fists in the air, they demanded “justice” for Patrick Kimmons, who was killed by police in late September. “Stop racist police terror,” read one sign at the rally. “Throw all cops in the trash,” declared another. Never mind that Kimmons had an extensive criminal record and was suspected of shooting two people before police responded.”
Here are excerpts from this article which make me worry and why you ought to be worried along with me...
Ø As the crowd made their way to a nearby courthouse, they marched in the middle of the street, bringing traffic to a stop though they didn’t have a permit.
Ø A motorist made the mistake of attempting to pass them.
Ø His car slowly pushed against a masked marcher.
Ø The crowd surrounded the car and started kicking it.
Ø After speeding down the block he stepped out of his car.
Ø He was assaulted by the mob.
Ø They pushed him.
Ø They smashed his car with clubs after he managed to get back inside the vehicle.
Ø No police were in sight even though the central precinct was blocks away.
Ø A group called Portland’s Resistance, a local social-justice group, put out a call on Twitter asking the public to identify “this white man.”
Ø They published photos of him and his license plate with the message: “Make racists afraid again.”
Ø The motorist has since received threatening phone calls identifying his wife by name.
Ø The mob later occupied a busy intersection.
Ø A middle-aged man driving a car with North Carolina plates stopped in confusion.
Ø The agitators descended on him.
Ø Mob Members shouted at him...
>“You white little f—er!”
>“You are a little white supremacist.”
>” Go back to North Carolina where you came from.”
Ø The driver phoned police for assistance and nobody came to help.
Ø The crowd targeted other drivers...
>The Mob shouted at one driver, “You’re lucky you didn’t hit me. I would have beat your a—.”
>One person punched the back of a passing car whose driver dared to honk.
Ø In downtown Portland, law-abiding drivers were at the mercy of marauding street thugs.
Ø Portland’s Resistance organized a protest after Election Day 2016 that turned into a riot.
>Masked vandals smashed stores and set fires.
> They caused over $1 million in damage.
>Portland’s Resistance raised $55,000 on GoFundMe ostensibly to help pay for the rebuilding effort.
>Two years later only $2,450 is known to have been dispersed.
Ø This summer a mob occupied the area around Portland’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement office for more than a month.
If these Bullets do not scare you, you are not paying attention.
The Title of this Blog Posting is, “Without The Law We Can’t Have Order”. The Title is Not Kidding You because...
A block away, police officers looked on passively. Why didn’t they respond? The department told the writer of this article in a statement that it feared intervention would “change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse.”
Change the demeanor of the crowd? Yes the situation can get worse but, without any Resistance to The Mayhem, will the situation get better?
Flashback through History...
Ø First Back in History Guy: Those Nazi guys are killing people inside that Concentration Camp. I have a mind to go up to that fence and shout at them, “Don’t kill those people!”
Ø Second Back in History Guy: “No! Don’t do that! If you do, they might kill more people.”
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: I feel badly for publishing this Blog Posting. There is no Funny in it! There is no Foolishness in it! There is no Silliness in it! It is Too Dark! I feel the need to try and make you feel better so you can go about your day ignoring reality...

Now do you feel better?
If you think I made any of this Blog Posting up or you just want to read the entire article for yourself, click here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-leftist-mob-polices-portland-1539298766?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=1