Monday, October 29, 2018


I have had it with Elections! It’s not just Presidential Election every 4 years that have driven me to this point. We also have Congressional Elections in the intervening 2 years between the 4 years!

It’s awful and it’s getting awfuller! Don’t send me a message telling me that “awfuller” is not a word! I looked it up: Adjective-Comparative form of awful: more awful. (I was surprised too.)

I have gone Over the Edge. I’ve tipped over the Tipping Point. I am at the bottom of the Slippery Slope looking back up and shouting AGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!


Okay, I’m regaining control...Or am I?


I’ll try and slow down and put my thoughts together logically without shouting at you...Or will I?


It time for Bullet Points...

Ø The Election Hysteria never stops.

Ø As soon as one election is over your TV Stations go to commercials and come back speculating about the next election.

Ø That very day or the next very day, the political attacks start.

Ø Before we turn around the Political Attack Commercials are upon us.

Ø The commercials seem very familiar because they are familiar.

Ø They simply change the names of the Attackor and the Attackee and run the same accusations as in the last election.


I had a dream last night that 2 opponents were in a debate and they got into a heated discussion about each one laying claim the fact that he lied more than his opponent lied...Or was it a dream?


The Bottom Line

Because of the 24 Hours News Cycle and the Never-Ending Campaigns Cycle the Non-Election Legislative Year never happens.


Yes, my Dear Readers, Never-Never Land is out there but Congress has changed its basic meaning. Never-Never Land is defined as...

“Imaginary Land ... An unreal or imaginary place, especially one where wonderful things happen.”

The only way that Peter Pan would certify our 19%* Approval Rated Congress to be living in Never-Never Land is if you tricked him into thinking that Getting Re-Elected is a Wonderful Thing.  


Would I kid u?



*The Congressional Approval Rating in the last 12 months was as low as 13% and as high as 20% (1 single month).




Anonymous said...

Too true unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Is this an election year? Oh, I guess that is the advantage in being deaf, dumb and blind. Can I say that....or did I say that?

Bob said...

Thank you, I thought I was alone in the wilderness thinking the same thing. We never watch the "News" live anymore. Our remote's mute and fast forward buttons are wearing out from my censoring.

Anonymous said...

Your piece is aptly titled.....they are already talking about the 2020 elections as if they were going to take place tomorrow.....AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH indeed.

Ludwig said...

You may have had enough, but I think it is delightful.
Back many decades ago, in a century far in the past, I had a debate instructor who would switch sides just as you thought you were convincing, and you had to switch sides too.
Well, after all these years, I find it amusing to see many of our politicians do the same. They riled against something (I won't mention it here) until they discovered that the public prized it. Now they are jockeying to claim they invented it, support it, and are the only ones who can deliver it.
It's more fun than watching wrestling!