Monday, August 20, 2018

Why Are They Treating Us Like Mushrooms?

This bit of Foolishness was written a few years ago when our economy was in the dumpster.


You say you don’t know what it means to be treated like a mushroom. Your Mushroom Education is about to begin.

You are being treated like a Mushroom if you are being kept in the dark and being covered up with bullchit.

My newspaper recently had an article about the First Quarter U.S. Economy shrinking by 2.9%. From the headline itself we start getting the chit thrown our way...

Economy Shrinks In First Quarter, But Growing Again

In the World of Control (patterned after George Orwell’s 1984) this headline is intended to keep us sheep from recognizing the truly disastrous situation we very well might be headed into and, worst of all, keep us from doing anything about it because it is Already OK (...“but growing again”).

Then in the body of the article they insulted our intelligence when they blamed Winter for the decline. Even Fox News (Fair and Balanced and Sometimes Not Too Sharp) parroted this silliness on TV recently. Not one of the Fair and Balanced Talking Heads missed a syllable as I was shouting at the TV, “It gets cold every Winter!” They acted as if they did not hear a word I was shouting.

It gets worse. The Winter Excuse was expanded upon in my newspaper the next day...

The economy was held back by an Unusually Cold Winter, the Expiration of Long-Term Unemployment Benefits and Cuts to Food Stamps, which Curbed Consumer Spending.

There you have it. There is a nutshell is the Good Ole USofA’s  Plan For Prosperity...

Ø We must prevent winter from ever coming again.

Ø We must continue and increase long-term unemployment benefits forever.

Ø We must increase food stamps dependency.

How can you argue with that logic?

Would I kid u?


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