Sunday, August 27, 2017

Accused: I’m Innocent Because I Did Not Do That Bad Thing! Response: Why Do You Think Not Doing That Bad Thing Means You Are Not Guilty Of Having Done That Bad Thing?

I am going to digress before I even get started on this Foolishness because I recently heard the Above Subject’s Craziness put forth as part of an otherwise Controlled and Sane Discussion on my TV.


My TV actually apologized to me when the Otherwise Controlled and Sane Discussion was finished. This is the first time my TV Apologized to me. The way things are going recently, I expect I will be apologized to by my TV repeatedly in the future.


The Otherwise Controlled and Sane Discussion participant actually said that an alive today grandson of Robert E. Lee should be held accountable for what his Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandpa Robert E. did.


This will become known in the Judicial Proceedings of the Future as… Guilty At Birth or Innocent Until Proven Born.


As long as there are such Otherwise Controlled and Sane Discussions on my TV, I will have no need to make things up for this Blog.


I am now done digressing.


As most of you know by now, ESPN has removed an Asian Football Announcer from the broadcast of the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because his name was Robert Lee.


This thorny issue is addressed very nicely in an article at the following link…


My favorite part of the article is the words above the picture of the Offending Robert and his Co-Announcer…

“But just to make it clear for everyone out there, the Asian man on the right is not long deceased Confederate General Robert E. Lee. He’s a different person entirely, one that is still alive and did not fight in the Civil War”.


That ought to do it…Or will it?


My honest opinion is this Offending Robert ought to have been banned from the broadcast because of his haircut.


Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: In order to err on the side of caution in an attempt to prevent this type of controversy in the future, I think we ought to ban the immigration of all Asians with the last name “Lee”. No one could possibly argue with this logic…Or could some one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about Robert E. Leigh. Should he be held accountable, should he pay and pay big, should he be whisked off in the middle of the night?