Monday, May 05, 2014

This Can’t Be True ... Or Can It?

Is it really true that in the Good Ole USofA a 7 year old was suspended from school for 2 days for chewing his breakfast pastry into the form of a gun? Are we nuts?

As I thought about this story more deeply, I changed my mind....

  • He was 7 years old. A 7 year old is not a 6 year old. If he were a 6 year old his actions could be overlooked but a not 7 year old! That’s unconscionable!
  • A 7 year old is only 11 years away from being an 18 year old and an 18 year old can carry a gun in the Armed Forces and is already old enough to carry a gun in Chicago.

Going one step further, if I were the school principal and, if this little hoodlum had chewed part of his breakfast pastry into the form of 5 or 6 bullets, I might not have been able to restrain myself. There is no telling what I would have done to this little Capone Wannabe!


As I was pecking this bit of Foolishness out, I started to think that I was getting carried away. I called Willy Wonka and he assured me that I was right on and told me to go to press.

Would I kid u?



Read it and weep...


Anonymous said...

Of course it is true and the school is bursting with pride.

Anonymous said...

WOW, the 7 year old in your article is almost as bad as the 4th grader out in Colorado that got caught selling marijuana to his the dope from his grandparents...seriously!

Anonymous said...

If they served those children raisin brand, like I ate when I was a kid, then this incident would never have happened. Ever try chewing a raisin into a gun?