Thursday, May 01, 2014

The IRS Ought To Spend A Little Time Reading History

The English Peasant’s Revolt of 1381 started when tax collectors attempted to squeeze a Poll Tax from villagers in Essex. It didn’t go well and the tax collectors were run out of the village.
When troops arrived to enforce order, a peasant mob ran them off as well and beheaded six clerks who had come along to do the math.
Now don’t go saying to yourself, “Self, the Smartfella is advocating violence because he wants people beheaded!”
I am not doing any such thing. I just think, if the IRS would read a little history, they might get a little nervous and a wee bit more pleasant. In my book nervous and pleasant would be a step in the right direction for the IRS.
I just had a call from my assigned IRS Harasser. I read him this blog posting and he said to me, “I am very familiar with the word 'nervous' because I see it all the time but what does the word ‘pleasant’ mean?”
I told him to Google It!
Would I kid u?

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