Monday, July 22, 2013

How Do “They” Know That? (Part Next)

They are at it again. They are feeding us alarming statistics. They are getting us upset by warning us about darn near everything you can imagine. As when I wrote Part 1, the question still is, are they making these shocking, interesting, gargantuan numbers up?
The other day I caught myself in the beginning of a panic and got control of my senses. I said to myself, “Self, calm down. It is not possible that they can know what they say they know”.
Here are a few fine examples of things that they say I ought to be worried about...
  • My TV recently told me that every year Domestic Cats kill 12.3 Billion Mammals. We think of these little fuzzy friends as harmless but it appears the nights are alive with the dying gasps of the likes of Rodents, Chipmunks, Squirrels, Birds, etc. To show you how gullible they think we are, they even get very specific about Birds by saying that 2.4 Billion of the 12.3 Billion are Birds. Come to think of it, I have noticed a marked decline of the Etceteras in my neighborhood in recent years.
  • We are all more than well aware that Egyptians gets upset about lots of things. When they get upset they take to the streets and shout about what they are upset about. I accept the fact that they take to the streets and shout but what I find hard to accept is my TV telling me that 8 million of them recently took to the streets against their President Morsi the First. How did they know that it was 8 Million? Did it take 12 million Official Egyptian Counters to count up to 8 million Shouting-In-The-Streets Egyptians?
  • Just the other day my radio told me that 100 Million Wildlife Animals are killed each year illegally. As with the Egyptian Counters, the only way they could know this is to have Official American Poaching Counters hidden all over the Good Ole USofA counting the dying Wildlife as they fall. Can you imagine how high the Unemployment Rate in this Country would be if all these counters (disguised as bushes) were not employed by the Federal Government?
Could it possibly be that they are lying to us about all these Exacting Humongous Numbers? I could easily believe that the Egyptians were lying to us. What you will never get me to believe is our Federal Government was lying to us.
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: In case you have not had enough of me, you can go to the URL below and read How Do They Know That? (Part 1)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what training or background is need to become an official counter? Maybe, this is where the trouble lies, that we have "counters" but no "trackers." The "counters keep counting the same items over and over and there is never a tracker around to keep track of what is counted....I myself am a trained counter, but no experience in keeping track of what I have counted.