Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Twitter May Save Us All

I have never understood Twitter, Tweeting and being proud to say to the whole wide world, “I am a Twit”.

I recently opened a Twitter Account because I was told I could get exposure for my Blog and my Book if I did.

Now I am back to square one again... I don’t understand Twitter, Tweeting and I hope no one in the whole wide world finds out I am a Twit because I have yet to figure out how all of this is of benefit to my Blog and my Book.


However, as the Subject of this posting implies, there actually may be a great benefit coming from Twitter as more and more people are Tweeting their innermost thoughts and feelings…

  • There was that super star basketball player last year who announced his retirement to his over 1,000,000 followers by Tweeting, “I want you to be the first to know”.
  • The Twitter World convicted the Referees in Louisville/Wichita State game a few days ago. The following morning’s newspaper implied that, since so many Tweets came in condemning that jump ball near the end of the game as being a bad call, then that was proof positive that the Referees were absolutely wrong. Does my newspaper know that every one of those Tweeting Condemners could have been die-hard Wichita State fans?
  • Police departments are Tweeting public information warnings via Tweets.
  • Lovers are proposing marriage via Tweets.

Where is the silver lining to all of this that I promised in the subject of this posting? You are going to kick yourself for not seeing it before me...

  • Tweets from Twits are limited to 140 Characters.
  • Tweets can be sent from anywhere in the world.

Can you imagine the benefits that can come to the Good Ole USofA if Congress conducted all of its business via Twitter?...

  • We would be spared their standing in those hallowed chambers poking holes in the air with their fingers all day because they would be limited to 140 characters.
  • Actually they would not even have to go to Washington D.C.
  • This means they would not “have” to fly home and return every week at our expense so they can put in their less than three work day weeks.
  • Lizard-Loafered Lobbyist would have a harder time getting to them in order to get to them because they would be spread all over the Fruited Plain.

How many times have we heard a Senator puff up his chest as he calls the Senate the “Greatest Debating Body in the World”? That is such a lie. How can “Debate” and “Senate” even be used in the same sentence?

Have you not watched CSPAN? There is hardly ever anyone in that hallowed chamber while a Senator is talking.

Not wanting to be accused of exaggerating I will concede that there are always present the Presiding Officer of the Senate and those three people stationed around the podium. I must also point out that the four of them are all Tweeting the whole time the speakers are poking holes in the air with their index fingers.

Would I kid u?


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