Saturday, April 13, 2013

Those Dastardly Fellows Have Finally Been Exposed

Congress is presently on a sustained tirade against Tax Loopholes. They are frantically making speeches describing their ongoing and valiant attempts to close every one of those insidious revenue-sucking evil thingies from every corner and crevice of our bloated tax code.

The Smartfella knows something that our 11% Approval Rated Congress is not talking about. He knows where the Tax Loopholes came from but he seems to be the only one who is willing to talk about where they came from.

Tax Loopholes were put in place by the same people who now look surprised that they exist at all ... Our Duly Elected United States Congresses Going Back for Decades.

They are pointing at the unbelievable large number of Tax Loopholes in our unbelievably large Tax Code and proclaiming them to be the product of some unknown force.

The really strange thing in all of this is they are acting surprised that anyone is daring to use the Tax Loopholes that they created.

Before you, my dear reader, start poking holes in the air with your finger, stop and think about who it was that Duly Elected your Duly Elected Congressmen. We have seen the enemy and he is us. The “us” here is you and I.

We have returned our representatives to Congress over and over for so long that many of them can no longer remember which area of the Fruited Plain they came from.

It is very important that your Duly Elected Representatives do remember from whence they came because, if they don’t remember, they can’t set up Tax Loopholes for your benefit.

Would I kid u?


IceRocket Tags:


Kathy Manos Penn said...

Spot on as always. Love your foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Philosophically speaking, I agree but in GA our two Senators keep running without Rupublican to vote for someone els? Happily Chambliss is retiring this year so we'll have a new face. :-) Penny

CDaniel said...

Very good point!