Tuesday, February 12, 2013

If Someone Throws A Brick At Our Head, We All Would Appreciate Someone Else Shouting, “Duck!”

When something bad is about to happen we ought to be told so we can take action to prevent the bad thing from affecting us in a negative way.

It does not work this way with the Stock Market. The people in charge of issuing depressing news about the economy have been working overtime for quite a while but the Stock Market seems to be paying no attention.

It seems like we are Alice and we have stumbled into WonderWhat’sGoingOnLand...

  • Every time the shouters shout at us that bad things are about to happen to the economy the Stock Market goes up instead of down.
  • There are three levels of bad news... Not So Good Indicators, Awful Trends and Dire Predictions.

For years now they have been making lots of Dire Predictions. The direr they make their Dire Predictions the more the Stock Market goes up.

The Smartfella (who has been proven to know something about some things) is here to tell you...

Do not put all your eggs into the Stock Market. By far a sounder course of action would be to put your eggs (money) in a coffee can and bury the can in your back yard. When you dig the can up, your money may stink but at least you will have stinky money.

I am one of the millions of people who like to say, “I told you so”. If you ignore me and decide to trust the Stock Market, when it all comes apart, I am warning you here and now, Stay Out Of My Back Yard!

Would I kid u?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like you can not understand the market and its current great reaction to dire news. Seems my College Business school bad news/bad market model is kaput. I do believe that the coffee can is the the best investment. Hard to get a coffee can today as most coffee is in bags but the coffee can model is something I can believe in.