Monday, February 11, 2013

Don’t You Ever Ever Ever Tell Me I Do Not Know What I Am Talking About!

The Pope is resigning and the Smartfella predicted this very happening on September 24, 2012.

The specific part of that blog posting that addressed the Pope resigning is in blue below...

At present we have a rash of shows that start with the word “The”...

The View, The Chat, The Chew, The Five, The Talk, The Doctors, The Voice

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I have spies all over the world. My sources tell me that Pope Benedict XVI has decided to become the first Pope to resign without first having to die.

He is especially disillusioned because he goes to great effort to visit many different countries and prepares very inspiring speeches which he hopes will go a long way toward making the world we live in a better place. However, his messages are never reported in the news. The only things ever reported in the news are that he went on a trip and he kissed the ground when he got off his Pope Plane. His messages of hope and inspiration are World Wide Well Kept Secrets.

If you think about this for a minute, you will realize that this is not Foolishness.

There is one exception to this Papal Information Ban. If he gets shot, that will make the 24 Hour News Cycle.

He will be relocating to California. He is really excited and has already bought a Puka Shell Necklace and 3 pairs of White Flip Flops.

What’s he going to do in California, you ask? Don’t you see it coming? He is going to have a Daytime Television Talk Show. It’s going to be called...

The Pope

Would I kid u?

It seems I was wrong when I said above, Pope Benedict XVI has decided to become the first Pope to resign without first having to die”.

The news today tells me the last one to step down did his stepping down in the Middle Ages. Please forgive me. This is the only time I have ever been wrong about anything in the long storied history of writing Foolishness...Or Is It? ... Or is it?

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

That is actually pretty impressive. Nice one, Smartfella.

Ludwig said...

When should I start looking in the TV listings for the new talk show?

Anonymous said...

Will you be applying for the top job Vatican City?

Anonymous said...

Hey way to go!!!!!! But, after all that is why you are known far and wide as ..............the SmartFella!!