Monday, August 27, 2012

We All Have Rights ... Ain’t It Awful

My newspaper tells me there is a California Statute which penalizes those who drive recklessly in pursuit of commercial photos. The “those” referred to in this statute are the Paparazzi.

That statute is being challenged by a Paparazzo who is being charged under the statute for pursuing Justin Bieber (whoever that is).

I am herby stating by way of this Foolishness...Or Is It? that my constitutional rights are being violated. Why do the Paparazzi think that only they have a right to drive recklessly? Why am I liable for prosecution if I drive recklessly but they contend that they should be allowed to drive recklessly if they are in pursuit of a Bieber or others of his ilk (I just love the word “ilk”).

Don’t come at me for being out of touch with reality. I do know who Justin Bieber is. I just don’t understand the frenzy that he and his ilk sends frenzy-prone people into just because he has written so many brilliant articles about Nuclear Physics or some such thing (I just love the word “ilk”).

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one! I agree totally. Well written, and by the way, I am sooooooo relieved that you actually know who Justin Beaver is (did I misspell Beaver?)