Friday, April 27, 2012

Prioritizing Nonsense

Before I get into the meat of this bit of Foolishness allow me to sidetrack myself...
I just read where there are several cities that have been reported as so cash strapped that they may not be able to pay for the upcoming Presidential Election. In case you have never thought about it, think about it, it takes money to set up the apparatus for voters to be able to vote in any election.
It is no surprise that the Once Great City of Detroit is one of those cities. Having lived in the Detroit Area twice, it makes me sad to realize that “Once Great City” is going to be in front of the word “Detroit” for the foreseeable future.
Message from the Smartfella to the Once Great City of Detroit...I know where you can get at least $50,000 to pay for your presidential election.
Above is the sidetrack and below is the meat.
Recently a single issue of my local newspaper had two separate articles that my keen and observant eye noticed were related to each other.
They were both about the Once Great City of Detroit...
First Article: Detroit currently faces a $200 Million deficit and a $13.2 Billion long-term structural debt.
These are some serious numbers. This situation ought to make any city look very closely at any expenditure of money.
This is reality. How does Detroit deal with reality? The answer is Detroit attacks reality with Nonsense!
Second Article: The good people of Detroit have set aside $50,000 to erect a statue of RoboCop. (What do you want to bet it will cost a lot more than $50,000 before it is done?)
Is this what a city in dire straits ought to be spending its money on? ...
A statue to a Fictional Crime-Fighting Cyborg?
The movie was described in the article as, “A 1980s movie set in a futuristic and crime ridden Detroit”.
Dear reader, we have seen the future and the future is now but RoboCop can’t help because, no matter how much he costs, he can’t get off his pedestal and go around fixing things.
The people of the Once Great City of Detroit ought to know this.
Would I kid u?
NOTE: Don’t blame me… BlogSpot (Google) is responsible for those ads at the bottom of my Foolishness.

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