Monday, April 09, 2012

Another Federal Law Is Needed

At an Eagles Club in the St. Louis area during the first two months of 2011  a man sold 50 baby alligators. The people who took the cute little critters home bought them because they were cute little critters. Now the alligators have come home to roost.

These former cute critters are now monsters and the owners seem to be mystified as to how this could have happened. Many say they are shocked that alligators have grown so large.

One unsuspecting owner almost had his hand bitten off. Some alligators have escaped or been released into the “wild” (the neighborhood). Neighbors are worried about letting their children go out of their houses to play.

Some residents are organizing gator hunts while others are organizing against the gator hunts and saying, you guessed it, “Gators are people too!”

As usual, the Smartfella has a remedy to prevent such future consternation. As the Subject of this blog posting says, Another Federal Law Is Needed...

In order to protect human limbs, small children, grown adults and (most of all) household pets, all Americans are hereby required to watch Nature Television Shows about alligators. The producers of these shows are also required to give particular emphasis to the fact that alligators have been known to grow in size and can become very large.

That oughta do it.

Would I kid u?


Ludwig said...

There is a fellow selling baby pythons. I just cant resist, they are the cutest ....

Anonymous said...

I read the article in the paper about the dopes that bought the baby alligators as pets in central Missouri. My problem is that these guy's also get to vote!

Anonymous said...

I'm concerned about hate crimes against alligators. I'm not sure about "stand your ground laws" against these innocent creatures. But it is clear that we need Federal protection. Once this is accomplished it will be a crime to stand and defend yourself. When self defense is outlawed, only outlaws will self defend. (Weren't the Gators the national champs in 2008?)