Sunday, January 01, 2012

Were You As Productive Last Night As These Guys Were?

Homer spent last night engrossed in putting together the part of the Iliad where Achilles does away with archrival Hector.

Edison did not get any sleep because he was testing the 728th of the more than 1,600 filaments he was to experiment with before he finally come up with the Carbon Filament which resulted in the First Incandescent Light Bulb.

Einstein spent his sleepless night beating his head against the wall of his study trying to come up with his theory. He was frustrated beyond belief and was found by his wife the next morning in a dazed state as he kept mumbling, “I am relatively close”.

All of this impressive activity happened in the middle of the night. My newspaper just told me about another “genius” who is also very active at night...

Our hero is a man, who proudly enjoys being called a “Sneakerhead”. He makes a habit of standing in line to buy pairs of Michael Jordan Shoes. His latest obsession is the Jordan Retro 11 Concord Sneaker.

His saga of sneaker seeking and possessing goes like this...

  • Last week he spent 17 hours in line only to be denied his coveted purchase because other Sneakerheads in front of him bought out the store’s supply.
  • He proudly proclaims that he already owns 15 pairs of Jordans but he feels the irresistible urge to own more.
  • He considers the scuffles, vandalism and arrests that happen all around him after the doors are opened as part of life’s struggle to obtain neat stuff that he does not need.
  • He was asked why he is willing to spend $180 for a pair of Jordan Retros when he currently lives from paycheck to paycheck. He replied with “perfect logic”, “If you buy food and you eat food when you are done eating food the food is gone. When you buy a pair of these shoes you can put them in your closet with your other shoes and look at them whenever you want”.

This Sneakerhead is the kind of high achiever that would have been looked upon by Virgil, Edison and Einstein with great admiration...Or would they have?

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! I have always wanted to own lots of Jordans and now I know there are others out there just like me.