Tattoos are everywhere. I have often thought that, if I were stupid enough to get a tattoo, I would be smart enough to hide the tattoo that I was stupid enough to get. What I mean is I would wear clothing that would hide the fact that I had a stupid tattoo.
This is not the case with the tattooed people that surround us. I have seen on many an occasion that these people actually wear clothing that shows off their stupidity.
I recently saw a Celebrity that walked down the red carpet with a slit in the side of her dress that was there to make sure that her adoring fans would be sure to see her tattoo.
This bimbo had a paragraph of script writing down the side of her body that transgressed the full length of her slit sided dress. Or course, it was not readable unless you walked up to the Celeb and asked, “Would you mind raising your arm and standing still for awhile so I can read this innermost expression of your persona?”
Below is an example of Script Tattooing. This one is the words of a Justin Bieber Song. If you make it large enough to read, I am sure you will be inspired or amused or disgusted (take your pick).

What the heck is wrong with these people?
As you (if you are a loyal reader) have come to expect, I have a remedy...
We ought to pass a federal law that requires all Tattooed Americans to wear Burqas!
If these mental midgets were required to be hidden inside burqas they would certainly stop getting tattoos. They obviously have a strong desire to show the world their tattoos and, if they could not show their tattoos, it just might take all the fun out of it for them.
Would I kid u?