Monday, July 19, 2010

Franchise Applications Being Accepted

Anonymous says: "Delightful!"

 This is your chance to make a fortune and retire or re-retire without winning the lottery. I know you all are on the edge of your seats, so I’ll get right to the details...

We are already aware of how American Females are obsessed with their cell phones.

They must be in constant communication with someone ... anyone ... at all times.

Nothing could exemplify this obsession better than the lady who last week dialed a wrong number and spent twenty-three minutes talking to the lady who answered the call on the other end. At the end of the twenty-three minute conversation each of the talkers knew what each had served for dinner the night before, what was planned in each house for dinner that very night, where the latest bargains were to be had, what each person’s political leanings were and how each was coming along in their ongoing quest to straighten out their husbands. One of the women is excited to be going to the Bar Mitzvah of the other’s youngest child, even though she is not sure exactly what a Bar Mitzvah is.

Having established the American Female’s love of the cell phone, allow me to link the Cell Phone to Female Muslim Garb and making your fortune...
  • I was in a store the other day and I observed a Muslim Woman shopping in her Muslim Garb.
  • This was not a full body covering but was the robe looking thing with the tight head scarf over her head.
  • The key is the Tight Head Scarf.
  • Our Muslim Lady Friend had secured her cell phone to her head by tucking it securely under her Tight Head Scarf.

There it is! Once the American Female Cell Phone Talker gets wind of how Muslim Garb can enhance their desire for constant communication, there will be a mad rush to my franchised Muslim Garb Stores.

What about men? There is no market here for men because they are not into cell phones that much to begin with and they do not spend enough time shopping to have to worry about what to do with their cell phones. They just run in, grab their beer and head for check out.

Send your $10,000 Franchise Fee to:
I Am Kidding You Again
10000 Silly Way
Foolishness, GA 10000

Would I kid u?

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