Recently I saw an article about a happening in Europe that will most certainly have my dear readers chuckling and saying to their selves,
“Self, he made up another one. He is not as good at disguising his made-up foolishness as he once was. He has lost his touch”.
I am going to see if I can make you believe this one anyway…
- In Switzerland an attorney went to court in defense of a 22-pound pike that fought a fisherman for 10 minutes before surrendering.
- The attorney is the only official animal lawyer in Switzerland.
- He became interested in animal rights at the age of 23, when an accident left him unable to speak for 10 days, helping him understand the plight of animals who can't express themselves.
- He wound up with the pike for a client when animal-welfare groups filed a complaint alleging animal cruelty in the fish’s epic battle with an amateur angler.
- He represents the interest of pets, farm animals and wildlife.
- The thinking justifying the need for animal lawyers galore is that: If people accused of mistreating animals can hire lawyers, the victims of such abuse are also entitled to representation.
- Serious animal cruelty is punishable by three years in jail
- Since the 1970s, Swiss animals have enjoyed greater protection than critters anywhere else in the world…
o Prospective dog owners must take a four-hour course before buying a pet.
o Social species including birds, fish and yaks must have companionship.
o Bird cages and aquariums must have at least one opaque side to make the occupants feel safe.
o The law specifies how to put down a sick fish: with a sharp blow to the head or immersed in water mixed with clove oil dissolved in alcohol.
o You can't just flush fish down the toilet.
o Scientists must consider the dignity of plants before embarking on experiments.
There was a referendum on March 7, 2010 that proposed to compel all of Switzerland’s cantons (member states of the federal state of Switzerland) to have an animal lawyer.
If the referendum had passed, animals would have had the right to be represented by lawyers in court. If the animals could not have afforded a lawyer, one would have been appointed at government expense.
The referendum was defeated but, based on my years as being a keen observer of foolishness, this issue will be back. Switzerland may have dodged a bullet this time but this is a Boomerang Bullet … it is turning around even as I peck out this Foolishness…Or Is It?.
Click here, if you have not had enough:
Here comes my Super Duper Foolishness … Or Is It? ...
If this referendum had passed, here is what we would have started to see in the world around us…
Fishermen would be required to use hooks made out of stiff cardboard.
Hand guns would be issued to all pets, farm animals, wild animals, fish and, of course, plants.
Pet owners would be required to sleep in those little doggie houses with their best friends.
Litter boxes … I’ll leave this one alone.
Would I kid u?