Saturday, March 17, 2018

Subject Matter Wins Oscars And One Other Thing

Subject Matter Is King

Hollywood News-How It Used to Be:

Scarlett Butler scored big in Petunias Grow Down In The Valley with as a powerful a performance as she has ever given in a long history of powerful performances.


Hollywood News-What We Now Have:

I. B. Kool did not do very well in his efforts to convince the audience that he really cared about his character’s development in Why There?  but the Subject Matter of this film which centers on the world-wide implications of a nuclear meltdown at a power plant that was constructed right next door to a day care center for handicapped inner city children in Manhattan at a time when Manhattan is going underwater from the Melting of the Polar Icecaps demands that he be awarded this year’s Best Actor Oscar.


You Got No Chance To Win


Some actors are Perpetually Barred from winning an award because of circumstances surrounding their circumstance.


A good example of this is Snidley Whiplash. This distinguished and accomplished actor has again been denied an award even after his herculean performance in Why Is It That Those Flowers Don’t Smell?  which has been acknowledged as the greatest single performance in the history of motion pictures. A spokesman for the Academy was quoted as follows...

“The Academy realizes that Snidley Whiplash is more deserving of than any other actor in the history of acting but we can’t have a winner of our prestigious award who has a violent name like ‘Whiplash’. Mr. Whiplash has appealed our decision by sending us certified documentation that he has never whipped any person, animal or tree and that he does not even own a whip nor has he ever even rented a whip. He even went so far as to show further documentation that he was only a cartoon figure and not a real person. He stopped groveling when he came to the full realization that in Hollywood Image Is Everything”.


Would I kid u?



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah that Snidely Whiplash, now there is a BAD actor!!!!