Tuesday, January 08, 2013

All This Time Congress Has Had It Backwards

In our heart of hearts we all know that all of our elected members of Congress are completely honest, intelligent and strive every single day to do the right thing. Up until now their problem was they did not know which thing was the right thing.

In the past we have heard them referred to as Tax & Spenders. This was definitely not intended to be a compliment. However, it did not seem to bother them at all. Many times it seemed to spur them on to greater heights of Taxing & Spending. To us folks back home, this became a very taxing situation.

Times are a changing in our 14% Approval Rated Congress. These guys are nothing if they are not conscientious! They are always thinking of new ways to serve.

Effective with this new congress, Tax & Spend is a thing of the past. From now on it is going to be... Spend & Tax. This Make-It-Happen-Bunch is going to do what's best for us No Matter What the Cost and then they are going to tell us what our taxes are going to be...Retroactively.

Their New Motto has already been embroidered on their new Congressional Blazers...

We Know What’s Best!

I don't want to speak for the rest of you but this makes me feel good all over. As usual some of the Folks Back Home are questioning this Spend and Tax Policy (STP). The murmuring (once called chatter but now called twittering) by these folks caused Senator Foghorn to take to the floor to express his amazement...

“Mr. Chairman, I rise to express my complete befuddlement as to why some Folks can’t see the absolute logic of our new Spend and Tax Policy.

Just last night at Happy Hour, I and my colleagues were commenting how our Founding Fathers erred in allowing such people to be able to vote. We were elected to spend their money! We take this responsibility very seriously.

If I could remember which state I was elected from, I would head right back there and give them a piece of my mind.

It is perfectly logical that there is no way to know how much money we have spent until we have spent it. We all have known for a while now that budgeting is a thing of the past. We are now boldly going where no Congress has gone before into the Era of Retroactive Budgeting.

My only question to you, Mr. Chairman, is, why did it take us so long to progress to where we are now?

I ask for unanimous consent that we ignore these millions of malcontents back home and go to Happy Hour. Olives surrounded by gin are a beautiful sight to behold.”

Would I kid u?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you have nailed it as the other way has too much logic. Either way we get screwed and it is just beginning.