I keep revisiting the Silly Subject of our Silly Congress’ obsession with the Debt Limit because our Silly Congress keeps bringing it up and the nightly news is obsessed with demanding that we pay attention to all of this as if it were something to which we ought to pay attention.
Ending last Friday, they did it again. And again, they waited till the very last minute to “resolve” the issue. “Resolve” is in quotes because the Debt Issue is not really resolved. It is only dented because it has been kicked down the road...again.
During this Kicking Session it was proposed that the Debt
Limit be done away with. My first reaction was that it could not be done away
with but the more I thought about it the more I came to the realization, since
it is really a waste of time, it ought to really be done away with.
You doubt me? Read on...
(Originally Published April 25, 2017)
I could say The Sky's The Limit But The Sky Is Too
Low...Part Next
You can certifiably certify you are smarter than Fella if you have stopped watching the Nightly News on TV. Fella is still watching the nightly news and that proves he ain’t too smart.
Because I am still watching the nightly news, I know that Congress is again wrestling with their re-occurring ritual about whether or not they will Raise the Debt Limit but they are not good wrestlers and they will give in and Go To Happy Hour. In wrestling they call this a Pin and in this case it means they are about to pin a darker future on the Good Ole USofA.
One thing is for certain. They will all be blaming someone other than themselves and each member of Congress will come out of all of this craziness “knowing” it’s not his/her fault.
If you think that our rulers in Washington D.C. have to raise the Debt Limit so they can spend more money you are as confused as most of the Folks Back Home (that’s us).
That’s not what’s happening here. They have to raise the Debt Limit because they have exceeded the Debt Limit. They are actually seeking authority to borrow enough money to cover what they have already spent.
Why do they bother to even put up the facade that they have a limited amount of money to spend? Once they have spent all they have, they simply make more.
At least they ought to change the name of the National Debt
Limit. Here are my recommended names…
- The Temporary Debt Limit.
- The Debt Limit Until We Zip Right Past the Debt Limit Limit.
- The Unlimited Debt Limit.
- The What Debt Limit Limit?
- The Absolutely We Ain’t Gonna Go Over Limit Unless And Until Such Time As We Spend So Much Money That It Is Necessary To Borrow More Money To Cover The Money We Already Spent But Which We Did Not Have Authority to Spend Limit.
Until they get a new official name change in place they ought to put a Smiley Face before and after the old name. This way we will know they are just kidding.
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: What can
it hurt? It’s not a lot of money...Or is it?
In 1917, somewhat counter intuitively, Congress established the debt limit so it could have more flexibility for deficit spending during World War I.
The first official debt ceiling was established on the eve
of World War II, in 1939, when Congress set the amount at a mere $45 billion.
- In 2002, Congress raised the debt limit from $6.0 trillion to $6.4 trillion, the first time it was raised in six years.
- In the decades following, Congress has abandoned any semblance of fiscal restraint as it has resorted to increasing the debt limit 20 times.
Since this is the Bottom Line, here is the Bottom Line...The
current National Debt Limit is $31.4 Trillion. That’s 31.4 Thousand Billion
The Good Ole USofA is embroiled in Out-Of-Control Totally Unsustainable Deficit Spending.
Lagniappe Another: Think of it this way. If a door had 2 signs on it that read:
- 1st Sign...If you walk through this door, you will be given a $100 Bill.
- 2nd Sign...Do not walk through this door.
Everyone that read the signs walked through the door. Sign
#2 ought to be removed. Congress pays no attention to the Debt Limit, therefore,
the Debt Limit is a waste of time and it ought to be done away with.
1 comment:
So true
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