Friday, July 19, 2024

This List Is Far From Complete!


This is from the United States’ Secret Service web site...

The Secret Service is dedicated to maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation for engaging in protected activity. This assurance extends to all employees, former employees, contract employees, applicants for employment, and any persons dealing with the Secret Service on official business, regardless of their…

Ø  Race

Ø  Color

Ø  Religion

Ø  Sex (including pregnancy)

Ø  National Origin

Ø  Age

Ø  Disability

Ø  Protected Genetic Information

Ø  Sexual Orientation (Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited)

Ø  Marital Status

Ø  Parental Status

Ø  Political Affiliation

Ø  Veteran Status

Ø  Retaliation 

Ø  Or any other basis protected by law. 

This list is not complete! I am amazed that the smart people who put together this extensive list were so blind that they missed a Very Obvious Often Discriminated Against Category!

I am certain all of you, once you see what they missed below, will say to your collective selves, “But, of course, they certainly missed a big one!”...

People With Spaces Between Their Front Teeth

Would I kid u?



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