Friday, January 05, 2024

Once Voters Saw the Kind of Governor Their Governor Really Was She Was In Deep Trouble

In all too many cases COVID-19 resulted in bad governance and wild guesses were substituted for logical thinking and those of us who had no power to do anything about anything were forced to suffer in stunned amazement.

COVIID-19 brought out the truly stupid side of politicians who once were seen as just not too bright and then many of them morphed into powerful bullies and tyrants.

A good example of all of this awful was found in the Governor of one of our largest and most influential states. For example, Governor Awful issued a draconian order in April of 2020 that required most businesses to close...

Ø Governor Silly-Is-As-Silly-Does threw confusion into the mix when she forced hardware stores (which were allowed to remain open) to close off the parts of their stores that sold carpet, flooring, furniture, garden supplies, and paint.
>>>Imagine being this Governor’s Press Secretary trying to explain this to the voters.

Ø Governor You-Gotta-Be-Kidding disregarded business owner’s free speech rights by prohibiting them from advertising or promoting any goods other than, “groceries, medical supplies, or items that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and basic operation of residences”.
>>>Imagine being this Governor’s Press Secretary trying to explain this to the voters.

Ø Governor You-Got-Too-Much prohibited residents from traveling to a second home or a vacation rental.
>>>Imagine being this Governor’s Press Secretary trying to explain this to the voters.

During this period of Mayhem, Confusion and Uncertainty about what their Governor was going to dictate next the voters were on pins and needles about what was the next shoe to drop. Headlines such as these appeared in the state’s newspapers...

Ø “What’s going on?”

Ø “You say you don’t understand what’s going on inside your State Capital. We at the Riverside Gazette don’t understand ether.”

Ø “You won’t believe this one.”


I saw a voter hiding behind a trash can looking very scared. When I asked why he was scared and hiding, he looked left and right over his shoulders before he replied, “Haven’t you heard? The word on the street is that the Governor is about to sign an Executive Dictate that anyone who wants to cut down a tree on their property is going to be required to line up a minimum of 7 of his brothers-in-law to catch the tree before it hits the ground.”

Ø I asked, “Why do they have to catch the tree before it hits the ground?”

Ø He replied, “Clover damage prevention.”

Ø I replied, “Clover damage prevention?”

Ø He replied, “That’s right. Our Governor is a Clover Lover.

Ø I replied, “What if you don’t have 7 brothers-in-law?”

Ø He replied, “Then you are not allowed to cut down any trees.”

Ø I asked, “Can you get neighbors to fill in for lack of brothers-in-law?”

Ø He replied, “No. The Governor says that would not make good sense.”

Ø I asked, “What are the voters going to do?”

Ø He replied, “Keep hiding behind trash cans and pray we survive until the next election.”


The result of all of this Mayhem, Confusion and Uncertainty was that the incumbent governor was soundly defeated in her bid for re-election. This election result shows that the people of her state still have the good sense to go to the polls and use their right to vote to remove chaos from government before all is lost.

Thank heaven! There is still hope for the Good Ole USofA!...Or is there?


The above 2 paragraph are not true. Here is an excerpt from a news report about the true outcome of this Governor’s run for a second term in Office...

Incumbent Governor You-Won’t-Believe-What-She-Just-Did ran for re-election to a second term yesterday. Governor You-Won’t-Believe-What-She-Just-Did defeated her opponent by a margin of 10.6 percentage points, a wider margin than polls indicated as well as a wider margin than her first victory four years prior. 

Yes, the Above Subject of this Blog Posting was a Fella Misdirection (aka: a lie).


The main reason people vote for any particular candidate for office could very likely be Name Recognition. I don’t want to get too carried away but this is My Blog and it is called Foolishness...Or Is It? and that means I can peck out what I want when I want so get ready for what I want to peck out...

At this time we have a Senator from Louisiana named John Kennedy. I wonder how many people voted for him because they thought he was that Dead President Who Used To Be President Until He Was Assassinated.

That could not happen...Or could it not?

Would I kid u?


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