Monday, June 19, 2023

Mosquitoes Are Not All Bad

Back on May 30th I fed you a lot of information about Mosquitoes. I’ve now decided I did not feed you enough, so open your mind wide because here comes more info you may not want to see. 


There is not much Foolishness in this Foolishness...Or Is It? but I hope you will find it kind of Interesting...Or is it?

Mosquitoes may not be all bad but you could have fooled me.

Yes, I have read what I wrote below (I must have because I wrote it) but I still don’t like Misquotes so much because they like me too much.

They will attack me within 30 seconds of going outside near dusk but pay no never mind to my wife.


Females Bite Humans While Males Feed on Nectar

Ø Mosquitoes mean nothing personal when they take your blood.

Ø Female mosquitoes need protein for their eggs and must take a blood meal in order to reproduce.

Ø Because males don't bear the burden of producing young, they'll avoid you completely and head for the flowers instead.
When not trying to produce eggs, females are happy to stick to nectar, too.

Mosquitoes Have Benefitted Science

Ø The design of the Mosquito’s Proboscis (the long or tubular mouthparts of some insects, worms, and spiders, used for feeding, sucking, and other purposes) has inspired scientists to design less-painful hypodermic needles.

Ø Scientists have also used the Mosquito’s Proboscis to make needle insertion easier.

Ø They have been used to create insertion guides to better place tiny electrodes into the brain.

If You Are Told You Are As Tough As A Mosquito, Consider It A Compliment

Ø The mosquito is nothing if not resilient.

Ø Based on fossil evidence, scientists say the current mosquito we have today is practically unchanged from 46 million years ago.

Ø That means it lived through the ice age of 2.5 million years ago — unscathed.

What Happens To The Mosquito During The Winter?

Ø The lifespan of a male mosquito is up to 10 days, and then it dies after mating.

Ø The males never make it past the fall.

Ø The female mosquitoes spend the colder months inactive in protected places, such as hollow logs or animal burrows.

Ø It is fair to say the female mosquito enters a period of dormancy, similar to a bear or squirrel hibernating for the winter.

Ø She can hibernate for up to six months.

Mosquitoes Always Bite Me but Never Bother My Wife

Ø Some of the most common attractive smells to mosquitoes are Type O blood, pregnant women and individuals drinking beer.

Ø This chemical mix is created by the bacteria that lives on our skin and is made potent by our sweat. Each person has a different bacteria compound so we all smell different to mosquitoes.

Ø Darker clothes tend to attract mosquitoes, since they are drawn in by the smell of our sweat. In the summer, individuals that are wearing dark clothes retain their heat more which ends up making them sweat more than a person wearing lighter colors.

This One Is Hard To Believe

Ø Male mosquitoes are able to locate females by the sound of their wings. The average female mosquito beats her wings up to five hundred times per second (that’s the hard to believe part).

Ø The males are able to hear and pick out the higher flapping frequencies when they are out and about choosing a mate.

Don’t Worry About Running Out Of Blood

Ø While a mosquito can drink up to three times its body weight, it would take over a million bites for your body to be drained.


Well that’s about all for tying to give you information you might not have wanted to be given.

I know I emphasized this bit of info above but I’m going to do it again...

Females beat their wings, not 500 times a Minute or a Hour, but 500 times A Second!

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really good information!! Thank you