Monday, April 24, 2023

Fella Opinion: They (Whoever They Are) Are Not Being Fair To The Punching Kid

First, let’s look at The Punching Kid in action...

Click Here:

Next, let’s look at an actual sentence out one of the umpteen articles written about one of the most awful incidents in the history of a great sport, High School Wrestling...

“The suspect’s family assisted in the investigation and vowed to remain cooperative, according to police.”

You are not The Noticer, therefore, you did not notice what I noticed. I noticed the word “suspect”. What the heck do they mean by using the word “suspect”? Suspect would mean that there is some doubt about who the Punching Kid was.

There is no doubt about who the Punching Kid was! What?! Did you really just say you are in doubt as to who the Punching Kid was? Wow! Fella is of the opinion that for that indefensible opinion from here on out you ought to be called The UnNoticer.

Let me try and make it as plain as I can make it plain...

The Punching Kid is not the one on the ground holding his busted up nose.

Does that help?


With reference to the Subject of this Blog Posting, are you wondering why I content that the Punching Kid is not being treated fairly?

I’m in a Make It Plain Mode today so let me Make This Plain...

It’s the Smudge that they (whoever they are) put on the Punching Kid's head. How in the heck is he expected to wrestle with a big smudge on his head? Have you ever had a smudge on your head? It is a pain! It is very hard to see out of a head smudge! It makes you want to lash out. I contend that lash out is pretty much the same as punch out.


Forget the Foolishness of the above paragraph. Seriously, why did they (whoever they are) put the Smudge there to start with? Do they really think it is unfair to have the video identify him as him?

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

In the ring they stood, two wrestlers bold,
Punching Kid and Winner, both young and bold.
Their muscles flexed, their eyes locked tight,
Each ready to win with all their might.

The match began, the crowd roared loud,
As they watched the wrestlers spin and bow.
Punching Kid struck hard and fast,
But Winner was quick, he'd met his match.

Round after round, they fought and bled,
Till finally, Winner emerged ahead.
With a score of 14-2, he claimed the prize,
And Punching Kid, defeated, hung his head in sighs.

But as they shook hands, a sudden blow,
Punching Kid's fist struck a mighty blow.
Winner staggered, the crowd gasped in shock,
As the match ended with an unexpected knock.

The parents of Punching Kid were quick to defend,
Demanding their son's name not be condemned.
"The Suspect," they called him, refusing to see,
That their son's actions had caused such a flurry.

But the truth remains, the evidence clear,
Punching Kid's actions were cause for fear.
And though his parents may try to hide,
The smudge on his name cannot be denied.

For in the world of wrestling and sport,
Integrity and sportsmanship must be sought.
And Punching Kid's punch was not a fair play,
But a stain on the sport that cannot be washed away.

Anonymous said...

I suspect it was the suspect.

Anonymous said...
