Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Don't Stick Your Neck Out Just Because You Promised To Stick Your Neck Out


First let’s go back in Chinese/American History a bit...

Ø American President What’s His Name told the Big Guy in China right after the Chinese Nationalist escaped to Taiwan, “Don’t you dare think about doing anything unkind to Taiwan”.

Ø Many years later American President What Ya Ma Call It warned his opposing What Ya Ma Call It Big Guy in China, “You better not even think about getting into a canoe and start paddling in Taiwan’s general direction”.

Ø Actually every American President, if the subject of Taiwan ever came up during his term in office, let it be known that Taiwan was a No No for Conquest, Vacations or Second Looks.

Now it looks like the time might actually be right for Mainland China to try and take over Taiwan and teach those Disloyal Chinese Escapees how the cow eats the cabbage and Washington D.C. is getting nervous.

My sources tell me that the midnight oils are burning in order to come up with a slate of Preemptive Excuses to justify doing nothing if the Mainland Chinese do something. Here are the 3 leading Preemptive Excuses at the time of this Blog Posting...

Ø We ought not to go out on a limb for the Taiwanese because there is not a lot of there there because there is not a lot of it there. After all Taiwan is just a little bit bigger than Maryland. Heck, the United States is about 273 times bigger than Taiwan. If we are going to live up to our commitments, it ought to be over something bigger than this little pipsqueak of an island.

Ø Let’s not get out on a limb here. There are not that many Disloyal Chinese Defectors on Taiwan. There are only 23.6 Million of them. The Good Ole USofA has already taken in our fair share of Chinese...NYC has 685,000, Los Angeles has 678,000, San Francisco has 582,000 and San Jose has 239,000 of them. Enough is enough!

Ø All these former American Presidents made their rash commitments about Taiwan at a time in our history when more American Citizens were playing Chinese Checkers than are playing Chinese Checkers today.

Senator Foghorn Leghorn said it best... ”Son! I say, son, let’s not lose our marbles over a Board Game!”

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, I do declare, son, if China keeps eyein' Taiwan like a hungry coyote eyein' a chicken coop, we might just have to put a little pepper in their soup! That there island is like sweet tea to the United States, we just can't live without it. And if China thinks they can just waltz in and snatch it away, they got another think comin'!

Now, I ain't sayin' we gotta go all Yosemite Sam and start shootin' up the place, but we do need to show some spunk and stand up to them boys. If we don't, they'll think we're just a bunch of weak-kneed, lily-livered cowards. And let me tell ya, that ain't no way to run a chicken coop.

So, we gotta defend Taiwan like a rooster defendin' his hens from a sly old fox. We gotta peck and scratch and crow until China gets the message loud and clear: lay off Taiwan!