Thursday, September 29, 2022

Yes Sir, You Are Right!...Or are you?

Democratic Presidents ought to be required to watch Fox News 2 hours every day.

Republican Presidents ought to be required to watch CNN and/or MSNBC 2 hours every day.

If they did this the Presidents would not think that everyone in the Good Ole USofA agrees with everything they are doing while President.

Why is this a Fella Brilliant Idea? It’s because Presidents are surrounded by people telling them they are always right. Our Presidents would benefit if they were exposed to a second opinion or two.

In some cases the President’s advisors tell the President what to think and when the President comes around to thinking the way they have been telling him to think the advisors agree with the way he is thinking and tell him how smart he is to think the way he does.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watching TV will not solve Joe Biden’s cognitive deficiencies. He is a dolt and a dullard. He has been measured, weighed and found sorely wanting.