Enjoy my mind wanderings. Thought provoking. Serious humor. Stimulating thought since 2006. Nathaniel Hawthorne-"Easy reading is damn hard writing." Tertullian-"Credo quia absurdum", I believe it because it is absurd. John Lennox-"Nonsense remains nonsense, even when talked by world-famous scientists." George Burns-"Someone who makes you laugh is a comedian. Someone who makes you think and then laugh is a humorist." Willy Wonka-"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
If you have no idea what the Frog in the Pot of Boiling
Water Story is all about, here it is…
If you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will
jump out, but if the frog is put into a pot of normal water and then slowly the
water is heated to the boiling point, the frog will eventually be heated to
death due to its unconsciousness of the gradual temperature change.
(First 4 paragraphs only
of an online news article)
Article Headline:
Going into 2022, Portland still has no answer for its
record-breaking homicides
January 04, 2022
“Several cities are no doubt hoping to leave their surging
homicides in 2021 as the new year begins. If that is the hope for Portland, it
is off to a rough start.
Portland saw its first two homicides of 2022 just hours into
the new year. Those victims have now been identified as Andre Foster and his nephew Quayan
Foster. A third person was also shot but is expected to survive. The next
day, another person was shot and killed in the city.
In 2021, Portland saw more homicides than San Francisco and
more than double the amount of Seattle, despite having a smaller population
than both. According to the Portland Police Bureau, the city saw a record 90 homicides last year. Oregonian reporter
Shane Kavanaugh (reporting preliminarily before three more murders were added
to the official count) pointed out just how severe the increase in shootings
and people wounded in shootings has been for Portland over the last few years.
The worst part is that this was entirely predictable.
Portland, a city that tolerated rioting for years, folded before the “defund
the police” movement in 2020, slashing police funding by $15 million and
disbanding several specialized units, including one that investigated gun
violence. The city did all it could to neuter its own police department, including preventing officers from using
riot-dispersal tools, while Multnomah County repeatedly declined to prosecute
Has it gotten any better? The answer is no. Here are a
couple of examples from recent news articles...
(First two paragraphs
Article Headline:
Businesses vandalized after weekend protest in NE Portland
April 18, 2022
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — After a weekend protest left behind a path of broken glass,
graffiti and a burned dumpster, the head of the Portland Police Association
says there needs to be a frank conversation in the city about
“Wanton destruction and arson have no place in a functioning
society. Whenever we ignore it, we fan the flames. Wherever we excuse it, we
acknowledge its legitimacy,” Sgt. Aaron Schmautz said in the letter posted
Sunday night.
Article Headline:
A Running List of Portland’s Restaurant, Bar, and Food
Cart Closures
April 19, 2022
I counted the list for you... 24 Restaurants and Bars closed
January 1, 2022 until April 19, 2022.
However, if you get shot or knocked down or decided you want to lie
flat and cover your head with your arms, Portland apparently provides clean
ground to lay down on...Or do they?
According to The Discoverer Blog Portland is one of the 10 Cleanest Cities On Earth...
The Bolded Words below were placed there by
ranked among the greenest cities in the United States, Oregon’s largest city is
known for its progressive ways (Is it a “progressive”
for a city to burn itself down* most any day of the week?) and quality of
life (Is it a “progressive” for a city
to burn itself down* most any day of the week?). It’s no surprise then,
that the laidback citizens of Portland(LaidBack?!...The
guy who wrote this article has got to be kidding!) are proud to
keep things clean (Must use leaf blowers
to blow the ashes off). Take the Portlanders’ penchant for biking. In 2017, more than seven
percent of commuters in the Rose City commuted to work by bike, according to
the Portland Bureau of Transportation. For those who don't want to bike,
excellent public transportation is also available (Fella recommends equipping their busses with tracks so they can climb
over last night’s debris). Although already a leading city in renewable
energy use, Portland leaders recently joined a global pledge to transition to
100% clean energy by 2050 (If there is a
Portland in 2050).
The Internet has no respect for our intelligence. It thinks
we have nothing better to do than read “news” articles they dangle in
front of us that prove we are not intelligent. I’ll come right out with it...The Internet thinks we are stupid.
The people who act on TV Shows are called “actors” because
they act like they like each other but they often do not like each other and/or
actually hate each other...
ØFred and Ethel in I Love Lucy hated each
Cummings and Julie Newmar in My Living
Doll hated each other.
Arthur intensely disliked Betty White on The
Golden Girls.
ØAlan Young and Connie Hines of Mr. Ed
hated each other.
ØMost of the cast members on The Andy Griffith Show were not too fond of Frances Bavier...
>Ron Howard was the only cast member who ever came to visit Ms. Bavier in
North Carolina and she refused to see him.
>When she died, neither Andy nor Don Knotts attended her funeral.
ØPatricia Heaton of Everybody Loves Raymond was a
well-known conservative and Doris Roberts and Peter Boyle were big-time liberals
so, of course, they did not get along well.
ØBack in 1989 Carol Burnett's daughter said that, at
the time, her mother and Vicki Lawrence "are no longer friends".
ØJoan Davis and Jim Backus hated each other when
they did I Married Joan.
Alda truly hated one of his co-stars on MASH
(article did not say which).
ØSeveral of the Happy Days co-stars secretly
hated each other.
ØThe actor who played Gilbert on Leave It To Beaver said he and Jerry Mathers didn't care that much for
each other.
ØCybil Shepherd and Bruce Willis on Moonlighting hated each other. It got so bad that they had to film them for the
show in separate cities for almost a whole season.
I just tricked into wasting your time
reading about this Miscellaneous Inconsequential Stupid Stuff.
A Miracle Drug is being used in
the fight against COVID which has the effects of inhibiting virus replication,
anti-platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory and anti-lung injury, is expected
to reduce the incidence of severe and critical patients, shorten the length of
hospital duration and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular complications.
Oops! Did I forget to mention
the Miracle Drug? It’s Aspirin. You just might have this Miracle Drug in your
medicine cabinet.
I could have saved her if she
had only listened to me. I had nourishment that could have kept her alive but
she refused to eat what I had to offer. I watched her starve to death.😞
Fighting back tears I begged
her to eat but she smiled telling me not to take her death so hard. She said, “I have no choice. I’m not a Jack. I’m a
I begged her to reconsider. I
found myself shouting as she passed on, “It’s
perfectly good and nourishing food. Americans have been eating it since 1896!
Please take a handful!”
I don’t know if I will ever
stop hearing her sweet voice saying her last words, “I’m a Jill”.
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: My
fellow Americans, notice they are rewriting history! It actually says on the
bag, “The Original”.