Sunday, November 21, 2021

Mystery Solved!

I have found him! I have found the Missing Man! How could I not have noticed him before now? Are my Renowned Noticing Skills slipping away from me?

Have I got your curiosity aroused? I hope I have but allow me to toy with you a bit more.


The Missing Man has gone missing from Television Commercials for years and shows no sign of making a return anytime in the near future.

You have seen all the commercials just as I have seen all the commercials but you are not me and you may not have noticed what I noticed. Here is the layout of the kind of TV Commercials that have been catching my Noticing Eye for years now...

Ø A Mother with 2 Beautiful Mystery Children living in a Beautiful House is sitting down with her 2 Beautiful Mystery Children to decide what Security System they will select for the Beautiful House they live in.

Ø A Lady wakes up the morning after she retires from her life-long job. She strolls around with her cup of coffee in her Beautiful Home. And she starts planning in her Beautiful Head about what she is going to do with the rest of her life. Her Beautiful Mystery Children come join her and start helping her plan her Beautiful Future.

Ø A Mother is in the family car with a Beautiful Mystery Child teaching her Beautiful Mystery Child to drive the family car.

My Dear Readers, I know you. I know what you are thinking...

You are wondering why I kept calling the Beautiful Children “Mystery Children” in my three bullet points above. Pardon me. I thought it was obvious.

It’s because the Beautiful Children are in these Commercials but there is no Beautiful Father. There is not even an Ugly Father. There is No Father at all. If there is No Father, where did the Beautiful Children come from?


I am about to solve the Mystery of the Mystery Children and the Mystery Missing Father...

I was in Costco a couple of days ago when I found the Missing Mystery Father. He walked right past me as I was looking for the beer. I found him and I found he had already found the beer. He was pushing a cart that had 4 Cases of Beer that had 36 Beers in Each Case!

There Is No Father In These Commercials Because He Is In Costco Buying The Beer!

How Silly you are! You probably thought all of this Foolishness above was my attempt to describe the Ongoing Attempt by some Mystery People to Diminish the Importance of the Father and/or the Father Figure in the Good Ole USofA.

Never forget that I know what you are thinking.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seldom ever do we see white men in commercials these days. We do, however, see women being portrayed in all kinds of possible roles, except the most important role of all ... being a MOTHER!