Saturday, October 30, 2021

When We Were Young We Were Young


I did it again. It was a very simple everyday thing and I noticed it and, before I knew what happened, this avalanche of Foolishness came flowing out of Fertile Silly Mind.

There was this little boy in front of me in line at the grocery store and he was talking. That’s all I needed to come up with this Blog Posting. I could not stop the Fertile Silly Flow from flowing. I started thinking...

That Is A Very Squeaky Sounding Sound His Little Voice Is Making. Then I Thought What If That Squeaky Voice Never Changed? 

Ø Would Alexander the Great have ever become Great if he had a Squeaky Adult Voice like that?

Ø Would the Board of Directors go right on throwing paper airplanes if their CEO was addressing them using a Squeaky Adult Voice like that?

Ø Would Pavarotti have spent his life standing on a street corner with a tin cup if he had a Squeaky Adult Voice like that?

Ø Would the soldiers be scattered all over the drill field bumping into each other, statues and flag poles if their Burly Drill Sergeant had a Squeaky Adult Voice like that?

The Squeaky Wheel may get the grease but Alexander The Not So Great, Corporate CEOs, Fat Opera Singers and Burly Drill Sergeants would get Snickers and would be Ignored by all those close enough to hear their Squeaky Adult Voices. 

Would I kid u?


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