Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Major Protests Have Broken Out Outside A Dental Office Near Where I Live and I Am In Complete Accord with Their Demands Because I Can Feel Their Pain

The Disappointment and Frustration could be seen on the Faces of the Protesters. This was not a joke! This was real! This was awful!

Several sitting members of the City Council were active members of the protest, which, of course, gives these demonstrations added legitimacy.

I am so glad I started carrying my Potted Plant Outfit in the trunk of my car. I put it on and got right in the middle of the craziness and now you, my Dear Readers, will benefit from my foresightedness. Read on...

I quickly ascertained that the center focus of all of this consternation was the recent opening of a new Dental Office here in Fellaville. No, it was not just any Dental Office it was the name of the Dental Office that had sparked this controversy. The Dentist who owned the new office had come up with a very clever name for his new place of business. It was called...Fellaville Dental Spa.

Here is a small sampling of what I hear while inside my Potted Plant Outfit in the middle of it all...

Ø The Guy with the Bullhorn Said...I love going to Spas! I have traveled long distances to relax in some of the greatest Spas on Planet Earth. My job is very stressful! I need to unwind! Now this Holier-Than-Thou Dentist has refused to let me enter his Spa because he says there is nothing wrong with my teeth! Who is he to bar me just because I have good teeth! My brother-in-law is a very sleazy lawyer and he has told me (for a fee) he will take my newly filed lawsuit to the Supreme Court, if necessary! It’s not the money. It’s the principle of the thing!

Ø The Guy with the Pitchfork Said...My teeth are perfect. That’s my problem. I refuse to allow that to stop me. I have implemented a plan of action that will allow me to get into that there Spa in about 6 weeks. I am never without a piece of candy in my mouth. I have started melting down hard peppermint candy and holding it in my mouth for 23 minutes before I go to bed at night. I am going to have rotten teeth before this Snooty Dentist knows what’s hit him!

Ø The Guy Handling Out the Bricks Said...There ought to be a law that prevents any Spa Owner from keeping taxpaying citizens from gaining entrance to a Dental Spa. This must be in the Constitution somewhere. If it is not, it ought to be put in there at once! I feel certain that Benjamin Franklin, if he were not dead, would be standing here protesting with the rest of us. I am also certain, if he were alive today, he would be turning over in his grave!

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: No, there is no Dental Office named "Fellaville Dental Spa" but there is a Dental Office near where I live that is named “Name-Of-The-City-In-Which-It-Is-Located” Dental Spa. I will not say the real name of the Dental Spa because I don’t want to be sued by the Snooty Holier-Than-Thou Dentist’s Brother-In-Law for making fun of his Dental Office’s Silly Name!...Or is it Foolishness Name?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At first I thought the “dental” part may have been a clever way to hide what used to be the “happy ending" Spas that were on Cheshire Bridge Rd in Atlanta. I’m told (unverified by me) they were responsible for giving massage a bad reputation.

I sure would hate to see the dental profession get a bad reputation as massage did.

It may be too late, I already have to wear a mask to enter my dentist office, but his business refers to “smiles.”

Apparently you can tell if a person is smiling while wearing a mask by the wrinkles around the eyes