Friday, July 09, 2021

Maxwell Smart Lives!


One of the best TV shows ever was Get Smart. I especially enjoyed  Maxwell Smart going through this Comic Gymnastic...

Ø He would tell a lie.

Ø The person being lied to would suspect a lie was being told to them and they would just look at Lying Maxwell and would not say anything.

Ø Maxwell was smart and he suspected that his lie had not been believed so he would say, “Would you believe...?” and then tell another, even more unbelievable, lie.

Today in the COVID Age it appears there are a lot of Maxwell’s out and about telling lies about COVID. As I peck out this Silliness I am looking at a Flier from the Georgia Department of Public Health that was developed to counter some Maxwellian Lies.

Here is how the Georgia Department of Public Health tries to counter 3 of these lies. The third one is a whopper...

Ø COVID Vaccine is Safe!

Ø COVID Vaccine won’t give you COVID-19.

Ø COVID Vaccine Cannot Change Your DNA.

Yes, My Dear Readers, some of us are worried that the COVID Vaccine will change our DNA!?

If you are one of them, don’t tell me you are one of them. I don’t want to know.

What other Whoppers are we going to be forced to fret about? Remember I can see into the future and on those rare occasions where I can’t see into the future I can make things up...

Ø COVID Vaccine will cause you to become paralyzed from the waist down if you sniff the underside of blooming toadstools between 1am and 4am.

Ø COVID Vaccine will cause those of us who have decided that they are not the same sex as they were when they are born to become confused and not know what sex they are after all.

Ø COVID Vaccine will cause Members of Congress to be unable to lie any longer. This malady in itself will ruin many long-term political careers and, in many cases, cause politicians to become mute for fear of being seen as someone who tells the truth.

Those of you who have read my Foolishness for a long time know that I get visits from dead people like the late Paul Harvey. I have often found myself hoping that I would get a visit from the Late Maxwell Smart. I have this nagging fear that he has not come because he thinks I am not Smart enough to be honored with a visit from such a well renowned Smart Guy as he.

Would I kid u?


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