Monday, June 14, 2021

Don’t You Dare Call Me That!

I apologize for all the ads that now appear throughout my Blog Postings. It was not always that way. Google Blogger does this. I have no control over these ad insertions. I know it makes my Interesting Commentary harder to read. Stick with it because it is worth the effort...Or is it? J

It is amazing how quickly they (whoever “they” are) change What Has Always Been into What They Now Say It Is.

Before we know what’s happening they (there “they” are again) are standing in our way with their hands on their hips looking all of us sane people right in our disbelieving faces and defiantly saying, “How Dare You Question What We Say What Has Always Been Is Now!”

Yes, I know I did it again. I have created Dear Reader Blog Confusion. Hang in there because I think I know where I am headed...Or do I?


A couple of weeks ago a U.S. Congresswoman was making a statement of some sort and in the middle of it she said “Birthing Person”...

Ø Some people did not notice.

Ø Some people thought, “Did she say what I thought she said?”

Ø Some people said out loud, “What did she just say?”

Ø Some people said, “Huh?”

I don’t watch as much News Reporting as I once did because it is too depressing and I can’t do anything about it except get depressed.

It is very likely that these kinds of things have happened while I was not watching the news during the 2 weeks since I heard the Congresswoman say “Birthing Person”...

Ø The was a spontaneous march in Washington DC where the spontaneous marchers were carrying pre-printed spontaneous signs that read, “Birthing Persons R Us”.

Ø There was a motion put on the floor of the Senate that proposed that if any Senator used the word “Mother” that offending Senator would be barred from Happy Hour until they publically apologized to all Birthing Persons everywhere.

Ø There were Panel Discussions of very smart already-been-birthed people on College Campuses all across the Good Ole USofA where the Subject of Discussion was, “How offended should Birthing People be if someone disrespects them by calling them “Mother”?

Ø Outside their World Headquarters in Kansas City, MO Hallmark held a bonfire of their entire inventory of Mother’s Day Cards.


According to Yahoo News (see below) the Federal Government has now put its Stamp of Approval on the use of the term Birthing People...  

“President Joe Biden’s 2022 budget proposal uses language that supplants the word “mothers,” referring to women who both deliver a baby and raise the child, with the phrase “birthing people.””

Fella’s Recommendation: You ought to read over the above link more than once. It may sound like Fella made it up but my Foolishness makes more sense than this Silliness. There is a good chance the 6 Bullet Points in the beginning of the news article (“birthing people”) is as far as you get before you start screaming.

When are the Not-Crazy People on Planet Earth going to stop being buffaloed by the Crazy Chaos Contingent and say to them...

 That’s Silly! We are now going to stop paying any attention to your campaign to attack everything that has always been true. We will not be getting into further discussions with you about such Silliness. We are going to wrap our collective arms around Common Sense and Ignore You!

We Don’t Care If This Hurts Your Feelings!

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: You have not seen it all until you see this airport sign...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know nothing bout no birthing person.