Friday, April 02, 2021

Should I Be Thankful That They Work So Hard To Confuse Me?


I have hearing problem. If the person talking to my ears is a Heavily Accented Person, I just can’t understand what the heck they are saying.

There is such a large economic benefit to companies I reach out to across the World Wide Web to hire people who I can’t understand it looks like I’m just going to have to live with the confusion.

Here is what actually happened on a call a few days ago. I got a letter from a Credit Card Company concerning my dispute of a $230 charge for a product I never received. The letter so confused me that I called my Credit Card Company’s Customer Service Department.

The letter stated the following...

Ø We have received a $230 credit from this merchant; therefore, the conditional credit of $230 on your account is now permanent.

Ø We previously issued a conditional credit of $230 to your account pending the outcome of our investigation. Now that the investigation is complete, we have again charged your account $230.

I told my Heavily Accented Customer Service Representative that it appears I was charged $230 then had a credit of $230 and now I have a second charge of $230. It looks like I was charged 2 times for $230 and credited 1 time for $230. This means I am paying $230 for the cost of the disputed product I did not get.

Now things really started going downhill...

Ø My Heavily Accented Representative now knows she is talking to an Ignorant Accented Person and tells me that I am confused because my dispute has actually been decided in my favor.

Ø I say how can that be?...
>I go on to say I was charged $230 2 times and credited $230 1 time, therefore, I have paid $230 for a product I did not get.
>I add, “This means the letter is wrong”.

Ø My Heavily Accented Representative contradicts me and says the letter is not wrong...
>She goes on to say it is I who am wrong because I am paying attention to the second paragraph.
>She adds, I should ignore the second paragraph and only pay attention to the first paragraph.
>She finishes up with, “This means the letter is right and you are wrong”.

My dear readers, you are not often proud of me but on this occasion you ought to be proud of me. I kept cool and asked her to repeat that explanation about ignoring and paying attention to this paragraph and that paragraph and, believe it or not, she did it again with all the conviction that she was talking to an Ignorant Accented Person and she must keep her cool when talking to such a Fella.

I let it drop. I plan to wait till the statements come in showing all the debit(s) and all the credit(s) and, if I have more debits than credits, I will call back and hope I get someone who is not a Heavily Accented Representative who I can understand and who can understand me (an Ignorant Accented Person).

The above paragraph may prove that I am an idiot. What do you think are my chances of that happening?

Since I started this Blog Posting another Dispute has been resolved and I have received a letter. Thank heaven the Confusing Second Paragraph was not included.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: Here is what I think happened right after she hung up the phone. She said to herself, “What an idiot!” I think there is a good chance that she did not take that much pleasure in her after-the-hang-up-parting-shot-at-my-intelligence because she was so Heavily Accented she did not understand what she said to herself.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, I’m a heavily accented person!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck...that appears to be the world we live in. Whenever I shop at our nearby Wal Mart, NOBODY working there speaks English. Forget about asking for customer assistance!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a similar situation. I ordered a tripod from, as it turn out, China. I received a pair of "John Lennon" glasses instead.... It took me a few weeks for me to realize what had happened. I contacted the seller who blamed it on the distributor and told me I was welcome to keep the glasses. Nothing against John Lennon, but IMAGINE me in Johnnie's glasses!! I responded that I didn't have a need for the glasses, but I did have a need for the tripod! Making a long story short, my wife no has a beautiful pair of glasses and I'm in the market for a tripod.