Monday, April 19, 2021

My Small Self Used To Get Really Mad When This Happened


Little Fella to his Mother, “Mama, I want to go swimming so far out that I won’t be able to make it back and I will drown”.

Mama to Little Fella, “Fella, you can’t do that”.

Little Fella to his Mother, “Aw, Mama, why can’t I do that?”

Mama to Little Fella, “because!”.

If you were raised by a Mother like mine, the above “because!” response from her was a great stumbling block to all kinds of dangerous or stupid things you wanted to do.


Today Our Rulers control us and shut us down by simply telling us...

You Must Do As You Are Directed Out of An Abundance of Caution

This stops us just as short as our Mama’s “because!” used to stop us. No one today wants to be seen as being Incautious.

The latest Abundance of Caution to be thrown at us is the stopping of the use of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine. This quote comes from a CNBC News Article...

The Food and Drug Administration asked states on Tuesday to temporarily halt using Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine “out of an abundance of caution” after six women in the U.S. developed a rare blood-clotting disorder that left one woman dead and another in critical condition.

If you want to Read All About It, click below...  


Time for some Center for Disease Control Bullet Points...

Ø There have been 6 cases a rare blood-clotting disorder out of 6,800,000 million people who have been inoculated with the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine.

Ø The blood clot incidents all occurred in women between the ages of 18 and 48.

Ø Those odds amount to 1 in 1,130,000 million, which is comparable to your annual chances of being struck by lightning (1 in 1,220,000 million).


Time for some Fella Foolish...Or Are They? Bullet Points...

Ø If only Women were attacked, why did they stop giving shots to Men? At a minimum they should have waited until Dead Men have a chance to catch up with Dead Women.

Ø Johnson & Johnson said in a statement that “no clear causal relationship” has been identified between the blood clots and the vaccine. This statement was immediately labeled as unconscionable when it was revealed that Johnson & Johnson’s Head of the Do Something And Do It Quickly Department got the Formula for the Vaccine by saying to that Dot on his desk, “Alexa, do you have any ideas about what would go into the makeup of a pretty good COVID Vaccine?”

Ø Is the FDA jumping to conclusions? If it had waited a couple of years would they have uncovered a disturbing trend from a Former Very Reliable Source (until it was uncovered that he did not know of which he spoke) that 129 people who had been given the Pfizer Vaccine had developed Extra Ugly Ingrown Toenails?

We would know that the FDA has figured out how to shut down the Press when we see their spokesperson respond to a pesky reporter’s pesky question about ToeNailGate by saying, “because!”.


Would I kid u?


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