Friday, March 05, 2021

I Just Love That Word!

The above subject words have been repeated over and over ever since Jacob Dewey of the Legendary Law Firm Dewey, Cheatum and Howe first said them in 1826 right after his Congressman Brother-In-Law had succeeded in having the word “reasonable” inserted into a piece of legislation that the Congress of the United States had just passed into Law. 

Did you just say to yourself, “I don’t get your drift, Fella. Why was that word so important to Lawyer Dewey?”

Ok, I’ll explain. The insertion of this word for the first time into law meant that the lawyers of the Good Ole USofA were going to make untold fortunes from 1826 to today and into the foreseeable future arguing about exactly what was meant by “reasonable”.

Here are a few Bullet Points to make my point...

Ø ... will hereby be entitled to “reasonable” compensation

Ø ... the term of service shall be “reasonable”

Ø ... “reasonable” restrictions with regard to its usage are allowed

Ever since that day Members of Congress day have never passed up an opportunity to insert the word “reasonable” at every opportunity into the laws they pass.

Many Members of Congress are lawyers and they are well aware that, after the 30 or 40 years of their Congressional Life, they are going to go back to their home District or State and again take up the practice of law. They know that these Reasonable Word Insertions are going to make them a hell of a lot of money right up until their dying day.


For his Herculean effort back in 1826 Jacob Dewey long ago had a Statue erected in his honor in the Lawyer’s Hall of Fame in Ripoffalot, Maryland.

This statue is one of the most secure edifices in the Good Ole USofA. Back when Statues began being Defaced and Torn Down a few years ago, the Jacob Protection Association was formed.

Many Members of Congress are volunteers in the Jacob Protection Association and have an App on their phones to alert them of any potential Statue Tear Down Scuttlebutt on the Internet. These volunteers stand ready to head to Jacob Dewey’s Statue on a moment’s notice to encircle it and stand guard.

Dianne Feinstein is not a lawyer but, because she knows so much about assault weapons, she is the keeper of the key to the armory where the Jacob Protection Association houses their ample supply of AK-47’s.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ripoffalot, Maryland.... I think you are kidding us😄😄