Wednesday, February 10, 2021

We Are Not Slipping Down the Slippery Slope We Are Hurling Ourselves to the Bottom


There once was a time when it was considered improper fashion to display a Woman’s Ankles.

A hundred years or so later there is no Flap about displaying the contents of The Flap...

The Silly People from the Old Days may not have been as silly as once thought when they raised the alarm about Women’s Fashion showing the female ankle because, here in the New Days, a lot more than the ankle is on display.

At least the Bottom of the Slippery Slope is in sight...Or is it?

Did you just start wondering about what is keeping us from Complete Nudity? The only thing I can see that might stop this rush to the bottom of the Slope is the Frigid Temperatures that come with Winter Weather.

On the other hand, Global Warming may negate that flickering hope.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: The last picture above did not come out of a Girlie Magazine. It was an ad trying to actually sell this “dress”.


Ludwig said...

Well, if that doesn't get us to elevate the fight against global warming, nothing will! Thank you for this service, SF!

Anonymous said...

Yes we are going in a bad direction and the Dirty Dems are leading us there at warp speed!

Bob said...

There as some folks I think I could look at while they were out strolling in their birthday suits ... others not so much